Maria is Dead.

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*y/n's pov*

*trigger warning: sexual abuse.*

tony looks at anita with a worried gaze, "what, what do you have to-" he gets cut off by ice saying, "you're bernardo's girl." A-Rab said menacingly, "we saw ya at the gym." big deal smirked, "you wanna dance, chiquita banana?'' he asks her. anita slowly makes her way to the stairs to the basement, calling out for valentina. "Valentina, Es Anita! Puedes subir, por favor, que tengo que-" riff turns to her, getting up and holding his shoulder, "Spanish?!, you come here speakin' Spanish?!'' he says confused. she turns to him, "I wasn't talking to you." Big Deal walks over to her, "no spanish, not with us, not today!'' he states. anita moves to the basement door, but A-Rab steps in front of it. she goes back to the entrance, Tiger and Big Deal block her way. "let me pass." she said, determined. ice said, "you heard her boys, she wants to pass." A-Rab replies, "mm, she's too dark to pass." riff stumbled over, "let her go." he said to everyone's surprise. he turned to her and whispered, "no one wants you here.'' Balkan speaks up, "why don't 'cha dance for us first?'' he asks. big deal then drops a dime into the jukebox, which starts playing mambo music. numbers turns to anita, starting to dance around her, "dance with me dolly, like you danced at the gym!'' riff was not a fan of this behaviour, "stop it, numbers. Stop!'' balkan joins in with numbers saying, "cutting in." the two dancing around anita, rubbing against her, pulling at her clothes. riff pulls balkan away, but mouthpiece swoops in and snatches anita, pulling her into the midst of jets, pulling off her scarf. A-Rab smirks, "c'mon pig, let's see your moves!'' "bernardo's black pig." snowboy says with a growl. anita slaps him hard across his cheek. this gets the other jets excited. one by one, they start to join in the dance. "don't do this! NO! LET ME GO!'' anita shouts. all the jets, except baby john, diesel, riff, and tony and me are now dancing violently around anita, shoving her back and forth. riff shouts, "LET HER GO! ICE! ENOUGH!" he shouts to ice but he just turns and punches riff square in the nose. riff holds his hand up to his now bloody nose. riff and I try pulling anita away from the crowd of jets, but then he gets pulled into the circle. ice and the other jets stare the their leader down. "you know what buddy boy?'' he asks. "if you ain't with us, then you're against us." half of them start kicking and punching riff in the stomach, all while the other half are still taking down anita as well. tony manages to pull Mouthpiece and Snowboy out of the scuffle. just as things couldn't get any worse, Valentina walks upstairs and her expression turns to shock. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU DISGUSTING PIECES OF SHIT?" she shouts at them, kicking ice in the shin. they all begin to separate as I run to riff pulling him up while valentina helps anita stand. I cup his cheeks as his eyes fill with tears. "they got my shoulder girlie-girl, they ripped out my band-aid...." he whimpers in pain as I touch his shoulder, reattaching the bandage. anita turns and shouts words in spanish at Valentina while picking up her scarf, and she starts walking to the door when A-Rab says, "go back where ya came from." anita turns and fixes him with a scary smile. "you think I want to stay here? in a city full of ugly little animals like you?" she looks at all of us, mouthpiece and baby john are staring at the ground while me and riff stare straight back at her. "No, gracias. Yo no soy americana, Yo soy puertorriquena!'' she says with a brave face to everyone. she walks to tony, "I wanted to tell you.....maria ain't coming. chino...he found out about you and maria." she pauses. "he shot her." tony's eyes tear up. "maria is dead. I wanted say that." and she walks out of the shop. tony bursts into tears. riff stumbles over to him, "hey, it's okay buddy-boy. we'll get through this-" he gets a slap to the face as tony runs out of the shop. I run after him. "tony, hey, wait up!'' I shout. "ENOUGH Y/N!" he shouts at me, "JUST STOP. STOP TRYING TO HELP ME, I DON'T NEED YOU TO HELP ME." my heart shatters at those words. we then hear footsteps as riff walks toward us. "we have to go, tony, we have to go now." he tries pulling his arm and tony shakes him off. "CHINO!" he yells tearfully, "I'M RIGHT HERE, KILL ME TOO CHINO!!"

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