Chapter 1: An Unfair Life

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Chapter 1: Unfair life

A green-haired boy was in a building. His costume was half torn to shreds. He looked up and saw his old friend stare at him with a menacing smirk.

"You shouldn't have tried to be a hero Deku," Katsuki said.

He then put his hand on the pin on his gauntlet.

"Now its time you paid the price for trying to dream."

"Whoa, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. To really understand how things got to this, we have to go back to the beginning."

The world has been created and has one important feature that makes it special; Quirks. They are an uncanny abilities that people are born with. Some allow someone to grow in size, while others could fly, or manipulate a specific element.

Some people decided to use their quirk for the greater good, and become heroes. Others used these quirks for their greedy desires and became villains. However, one boy would soon learn, that not all men were created equal....

A 4-year-old Izuku was rushing into the kitchen where his mother was doing dishes.

"Mommy, mommy, come on! Its computer time!"

Izuku's mother, Inko Midoriya turned around and smiled.

"Already?" she asked.

Inko Midoriya was married to Hisashi Midoriya, a well known detective with a fire breathing quirk. She was also known as the No 7 hero, Green Psyche, and her quirk allowed her telekinetic abilities, such as attraction and repulsion. However, she retired after giving birth to Izuku.

The boy brought his mother into the computer room, and Inko turned on the video. Izuku was rocking back and forth, excited to see the video for the millionth time.

"Geez, I think you added all these views to this one yourself, sweetie," she said, "This seems too scaary for Mommy to watch."

Izuku admired heroes. But his favorite hero of all time was none other than the symbol of peace, All Might. He was the No 1 hero, and what he did proves why. As Izuku continued to watch the video, he saw All Might carrying all those people to safety.

"Everything is well citizens because I am here!" he reassured the people watching.

Izuku smiled and jumped up and down.

"All Might is the coolest hero in the universe!!" Izuku said as he raised up his toy, "And one day, I'm gonna be a hero just like him when I get my quirk!!"

Inko smiled at her son. She loved him dearly and would continue to love him even if he didn't have a quirk. His dad... well let's just say he's questionable. A few minutes later, the family of three were at the doctor's office awaiting the results.

"Sorry kid, you don't have a quirk," the doctor harshly said.

He dropped his All Might figure on the floor.

"Is there something wrong with him? All his classmates have gotten their quirks." Inko asked in a sad tone.

"Well, if you look here, Izuku has a double joint in his pinky toe. This causes a person to not develop a quirk. So if you are hoping to be a hero, I'm sorry. It's just not gonna happen." The doctor said.

Izuku was disheartened by the news. He was so excited to see what kind of quirk he had, only to have his hopes dashed by the face that he had no quirk like everyone else.

"Thank you doctor," Inko said as the two walked out.

Her husband overheard the entire conversation, and shot Izuku a shameful glare. A day passed since the visit. Once word got out that he was quirkless, dozens of kids began picking on him and calling him useless and insulting him. Izuku came home and looked at his father who just looked at the newspaper without even acknowledging that his son was home. Later on, Izuku locked himself in his room. He was depressed by the events that happened.

Inko woke up one morning. She decided she was going to cook Izuku a nice meal in order to cheer him up after what happened the other day. She turned to her side. However something was different. Her husband wasn't there. She noticed a note on his side of the bed and picked it up.

'Dear Inko,

The fact that we have a quirkless child is going to bring me nothing but trouble. People are already getting on me over our son not having either of our quirks. Its quite obvious that we were not compatible. And so this is goodbye. Don't bother trying to find me, because I erased myself from your contacts, email and everything else. I have no regrets for what I've done. May we never meet again.'

After reading this, Inko broke down in tears. The door opened, revealing Izuku rubbing his eyes.

"Mama, what's wrong?" he asked.

After a few sniffles, Inko tried to put herself together."Izuku. I'm sorry for everything that has happened." She sniffled between the many sobs.

"And I'm sorry you have such a disappointing son," Izuku said

Inko hugged her son, picking him up. "I'm not disappointed in you for being quirkless Izuku," Inko said, "You can still be a hero. You'll just have to work harder than others."

At this point, Inko decided to find a gym for Izuku to train in, to learn martial arts and self-defense. However, she was having pretty shitty luck because ,as it happens, nobody wants to train a quirkless kid. Not to say she didn't have help. Mitsuki and her son Katsuki were the only ones who stood by Izuku's side, and they tried to have some gyms take Izuku in.

At this moment, Inko nearly gave up hope. However, she saw a flyer for a gym opening, and she saw hope.

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