Lazy Day

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"We need to get Niklaus here sooner rather than later," Elijah muttered, his voice carrying the weight of their impending challenges.

Exhausted, I collapsed onto the bed, the events of the previous day still haunting me. "I just can't do magic. I nee-" My voice faltered as Elijah gently helped me, his touch offering silent reassurance amidst the chaos.

"I'm fine, Suits. I shouldn't have used my magic. I knew better and yet I did it anyways," I admitted, the guilt weighing heavily on my conscience as I met his gaze.

"Get some rest," Elijah urged before leaving me to the solace of sleep, his concern a silent echo in the dimly lit room.

The next day dawned with a sense of unease lingering in the air, Enzo's accusatory tone piercing through the stillness of the morning. "You used magic?" His voice was sharp, cutting through the haze of sleep as I struggled to wake fully.

"I h-had to," I stammered, attempting to defend my actions against his mounting anger.

"You don't use magic. No matter what. That was our deal, remember?" Enzo's frustration boiled over, his words laced with a mixture of concern and reproach. Tears welled in my eyes, a testament to the weight of my mistakes.

"Don't do that. You have no right. You have absolutely, no right to be crying. You could have died and killed the rest of us," Enzo's voice rose, his fear and frustration palpable as he confronted me.

"Stop it, En. You're scaring me!" I cried out, my own emotions spiraling as he loomed over me, his anger a turbulent storm threatening to engulf us both.

In a swift motion, Enzo pulled me from the bed, his grip firm as he forced me to face the gravity of my actions. "Good, maybe you'll learn a bloody lesson. I can't lose you. I won't lose you, you mean too much to me..." His words softened to a whisper, his vulnerability belying the severity of his earlier outburst.

"En, you won't lose me. I'll come back," I reassured him, my voice soft with sincerity as he lay his head against my chest, seeking solace in the steady rhythm of my heartbeat. With a sigh, I proposed a welcome distraction. "What if we had a lazy day?" I suggested, a hopeful smile tugging at my lips as I glanced at him.

"You don't have any cases?" Enzo inquired, his expression brightening at the prospect of a day devoid of the usual chaos and danger.

"The SIA is closed for today!" I confirmed, returning his smile as we both embraced the rare opportunity for relaxation.

"We could binge-watch Dance Moms? Or Pretty Little Liars?" I offered, the thought of losing ourselves in the drama of reality TV bringing a playful sparkle to my eyes. Enzo's grin widened at the suggestion, though he quickly interjected, "Deal. Though no Pretty Little Liars. We watched all of season one last week. I can't watch another one. Not right now at least."

With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Enzo scooped me up and deposited me onto the bed, eliciting a burst of laughter from me as I landed with a soft thud. Retrieving the remote, I wasted no time in finding our chosen show, eager to immerse ourselves in the familiar world of reality TV escapism.

"What episode did we leave off on?" I inquired, turning to Enzo as he settled in beside me, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the tumult of our lives.

"The one after Broadway Baby died," he replied, with a nod, I queued up the next episode, the opening credits signaling the beginning of our much-needed lazy day.

"Let the lazy day begin," I declared, a smile playing on my lips as Enzo's laughter mingled with mine, the weight of our responsibilities momentarily forgotten in the warmth of our shared company.

Reborn As The Current Doppelganger (SI-Elena G. X Elijah M. X Niklaus M.)Where stories live. Discover now