Chapter 27: Draco No-Name

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Draco was having a good day. He really liked having friends. It was nice. He had been afraid that he would miss all the luxury of being a Malfoy, but Potter Manor was much better. He could play whatever he wanted, no one hit him, no one insulted him, he could study, and he was getting used to kisses and hugs. He preferred his mother's, of course. But Mrs. Granger's were also really good. Draco was still a bit untrusting of adult males. Mr. Granger seemed to know this and generally kept his interactions with Draco short and polite. Sirius was a bit warmer. Sometimes he ruffled the boy's hair. He even hugged Draco a couple of times. It was nice. His father would be absolutely appalled at Draco for liking such nonsense.

He felt sorry for Neville. The boy wasn't the type of friend his father would have approved of, but then again, neither was Hermione. Sirius Black had a boyfriend. Draco was still confused about everyone being so nonpulsed about this. When he asked Harry and Hermione a few days ago, they shrugged and said that love was a good thing. He then went to his mom about it.



"Drakey, come on in," Narcissa smiled, putting down her cup of tea on her writing desk.

"Mother, I have a question."

"Tell me, dear," she replied encouragingly.

"How come Lord Black doesn't have a Lady Black?"

Narcissa blushed and stammered. "Um, well... I... You see, sweetheart, Sirius doesn't have a wife because he is in love with Remus."

"But how is he to have an heir mother?" Draco blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend.

"Well, dear, I imagine that he may find a way to do so if he wants an heir..." Narcissa hoped Draco's curiosity would be assuaged by this. However, the boy had had the importance of an heir pressed upon him. All important families needed heirs as much as people needed air.

"But mother, how can he not want an heir?"

"Darling, we all have different priorities. Sirius seems to be quite happy as he is..."

"You said 'find a way'... But he cannot find a way with Mr. Lupin, can he?" Draco's eyes widened. Narcissa chuckled and took her son's hands.

"Drakey, you know how you love baby carrots?" Narcissa asked. The boy nodded rapidly. "And how you also love green apples?"

Draco nodded.

"Well, you can have one or the other. The one you choose does not make the other one less of a favorite. It just means that is the one you feel like eating," Narcissa smiled.

Draco blushed and then smiled tentatively. "He likes men and women, but chose Remus."

"Yes, dear," Narcissa pulled her son in for a hug. "Now, don't you worry about Sirius. He's a grown man with a good head on his shoulders. I am sure he will be fine."




Draco was standing in front of his dresser's mirror. Muggle clothes were fun. His mom told him they were a present from Mrs. Granger and Sirius for him being a good boy and doing his chores. Draco was wearing jeans and a short-sleeved t-shirt with a drawing of a lizard. Hermione would later tell them that wasn't a lizard but a dinosaur. That would confuse him a lot. The boy liked how easily he could move. He had wondered before how Harry and Hermione could jump and run and sit anywhere without trouble, but now he knew. Muggle clothes were made to move and not just to look good like robes. The tennis shoes were extremely comfortable. Draco felt like running. No wonder his friends were always rushing off.

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