Final Chapter

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The sun was filtering through the windows, giving Will this lovely golden glow. He had kicked the duvet off and just had a sheet covering his ass but the rest of him made for such a gorgeous view. It felt like my heart was going to explode with how much I loved him.

I trailed a finger down the curve of  his spine. He looked so sweet with his curls fanning out and half of his face pressed into the pillow. He lets out a little sigh and I feel myself melting a little.

As quietly as I could, I slipped out of the bed and made my way into the walk in closet, pulling on a gray sweatpants. I checked back to make sure Will was still asleep before heading towards the one drawer. Ever since Will and I had reconnected, I found myself going back to the same drawer and the same place over and over again.

It was a small baby blue box with a gigantic white bow on it. Sitting on a plush pillow was a rose gold ring with a butterfly shaped pink diamond at the centre of it and matching diamonds running on the sides of  it. The last time I had proposed, I had gone with a simple rose gold band because that was all I could afford but this ring. . .

This was the ring.

I had drawn it and had to get it custom made and it was THE ring. I just knew Will was going to love it and I don't think I could wait anymore to give it to him. I wanted to spend forever with him. To love and care for him for as long as forever was and even after that.

It was the same box but a different ring because Harry had loved the big ridiculous white bow, just as I knew he would. I had not been in a good enough place to really take care of him like I always dreamed of doing. I had let him go once because I thought I was coming between a family and tearing them apart but that was just his mother and sister revealing their true colors. I've done it once and will never do that again.

With the box in my hand, I quietly made my way out of the room and made my way down the stairs. I used the bathroom downstairs to brush and splash some cold water on my face and then went to the kitchen to get myself ready for the day. I grabbed a coffee pod and turned on the maker, making sure to put my mug underneath.

I leaned back against the kitchen island and waited. After a while I called out for Alexa, asking her to play smooth jazz music. Once the coffee was done, I took a sip and let out a happy sigh. I hummed along with the song and then looked down at the baby blue box on the kitchen island.

With the music still playing, I decided to get breakfast ready. Once Will smells the bacon, he'll float downstairs. It took a while but eventually I got two plates of pancakes, eggs and decided to use the oven for the bacon.

I was on a fresh cup of coffee when I heard movement from upstairs. I could imagine Will with his curls going everywhere, lithe naked body and long legs taking him towards the bathroom. I grabbed a tall glass, filled it with ice and placed it beside my cup of coffee.

It took a while but eventually Will began to make his way down the stairs, probably following the sound of the music. Once he steps into the kitchen, he smiles brightly. His smile was so big, his eyes  were shut and he had on one of my white shirts that stopped at his thigh.

He made his way over to me and I hold my hand out, ready to hold onto him as tight as I can. Will rushed over to me, wrapping his arms around my neck and peppering my cheeks with kisses. He smells like he just showered. He smelled like lilacs, he felt soft and I loved holding onto to him like this.

When my darling pulls back, I nudge my nose against his softly, unable to keep myself from smiling. It felt like I was holding on to sunshine personified. I press a kiss to his lips, another to his cheek and then pull back long enough to hand him a cup of cranberry juice.

He promptly chokes when he sees the blue box sitting on the table. His hand shakes and I smile knowingly at him.

"Yes, my dear."

"Am I seeing things or is there a blue box on the table with a gigantic bow?" Will asked, his cheeks already turning a pretty red shade.

I smile softly at him as I reach for the box, holding back a chuckle at the ridiculous bow but he loves it, Will really loved it and how could I not propose to him with the same bow. His eyes were misting up and so were mine and now the tip of his nose was turning a light shade of red.

"Harry, honey. . ."

"This is for you, baby." I said and Will takes it from me with shaking hands. He gently pick it, a big smile blooming on his face  as he stared at that darn bow. He trails his finger over it, giggling. I don't dare take my eyes off him, I could watch him forever.

Will raises his gaze and looks right at me before flipping the case open. His lips part in a silent gasp as he takes a look at the ring. It felt natural to sink to my knee and look up at him.

"I have loved you with my every breath. I have loved you with  my body and soul and I will always love you. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together as one, as partners, as lovers, as husbands and I promise. . . I swear to take care of you, to provide for you, to make sure you never need, want or lack anything. I will never make you cry sad tears, I will never make you suffer, I will never inflict pain on you. I will always treat you like the prince and treasure that you are, like you do to me.I love you. I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love your curls. I love your mind. I love how nice and sweet and kind you are. I love how you care about me. I love how you care about your friend. I will love you until my last breath and if there's a life after that, then I'll love you there too. I love you, I treasure you and I. . ." my words gets cuts off as I stare at my angel who had tears running down my face.

"I love Will. I am in love with you."

"I love you too, H."

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Fuck yes! Yes! Yes!"

I got to my feet and once I slipped the ring onto his finger, Will let out the loudest scream I have ever heard. He was bouncing on his feet and smiling. He looked like the sun. Fuck! I was a lucky man. The luckiest ever.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and spun us around while Will kept screaming. My happy boy. My perfect boy.


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