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I felt myself decending into the darkness not knowing what awaits me. I cant move it hurts to breathe, its painful to think, and its hell to speak. All I can do is fall, keep falling into the abyss of the deep slumber I am captured in. I cant get out I'm trapped there is nothing I can do to escape. No light nor soul in sight, alone in the depths of hell. Not knowing when I might hit the ground and end my suffering of this. I lay with my back to the ground my brown hair streaked with purple whipped around me like a hurricanes powerful wind that creates massive waves that can destroy the very beach it connects to. Knowing my end is near I braced myself to see the light. A faint whisper called out for me. "Katheryn wake up. Katheryn you are not finished. Katheryn go find the purple tears." Each time I was called it got quieter until nothing but the raspy sound of my struggling breaths were in the void.

With a sudden jolt of fear I was awaken from my dead sleep. "Damn it everytime it comes near I wake up. Why does this keep happening to me?" This time I was being called, for what reason? What are the purple tears? Who was calling out my name? Questions flooded my mind till it hurt. Does this have something to do with that night?

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