"ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ ɪs sᴀғᴇ ғʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ"

96 5 17


"kim hongjoong! if you are to show your face here, for just a second, you will be executed, and you know what I mean!"

the leader of the underworld boomed and hongjoong stared up at him in utter shock and disbelief. his heart had dropped like a rock to the bottom of his stomach and the overwhelming feeling to throw up began to slowly creep up his throat.

he had so many questions he wanted to ask, so many words that he so desperately wanted to speak, but the harsh glare from the leader made him think twice. with a low dip of his head, he slowly lowered himself to his knees, offering his arms out.

two devils, the leader's assistants, hooked their arms around hongjoong's, tugging him away harshly. their wings poked and prodded painfully onto his ribs, but it wasn't comparable to the pain in his heart.

he was soon thrown forward, into a pile of ashes. they stained his hands and tickled his nose. he didn't bother to ask whose ashes they were, knowing that plenty of demons had died here.

it was a special procedure that was only done by the top demons, the ones who ruled over all of the other empty souls living there. there were two options, stay here and rot away into nothing, or to go through the white doors that led you to the dreaded earth, the place no demon ever dared to cross.

his mind flickered with the thought, and hongjoong wasn't entirely against the idea. his fingers filtered through the ashes and his heart ached painfully. he didn't belong in the underworld, he was never cut out to be the mean, cold, malicious demon that everyone thought of when they thought of the word 'demon.'

with heavy steps, hongjoong found that he was carrying himself to the doors that led to earth and possibly, freedom.

the cherry haired looked back to the two devils', who only stared at him with hard and cold eyes. hongjoong let his fingers drape across the smooth doorframe, a shimmering sound emitting from the other side.

"go on, freak. you don't belong here."

one of the devils spat and hongjoong glanced back at his forever home. his look wasn't filled with remorse, rather hatred. he hadn't even done anything wrong, yet a misled situation carried out his time in the underworld.

hongjoong didn't spare a look to the smirking devils', before he dove straight into the door, immediately feeling the effects.

the air was much clearer, fresh and crisp. the once humid, hot atmosphere was now cold and frigid. hongjoong rubbed his head where it had begun to ache, his eyes slants.

it was rather bright, sending pain into hongjoong's eyes. he was used to the red and cloudy haze, but the clear air was both beautiful and horrid to the boy.

his fingers grazed over something soft as he looked down, his fuzzy eyes landing on small green pieces sticking out from the ground. he ran his fingers over them, enjoying the way it tickled him.

"it feels good, doesn't it?"

hongjoong nearly jumped out of his skin when a voice sang into the air. he gazed up to see a male with white hair, his hands shoved into his pockets. hongjoong smiled sheepishly and scrambled to stand up, his eyes wide as he looked around his new home.

"are you lost?"

the boy asked, gazing at hongjoong with interest behind his eyes. hongjoong peered into his eyes, and due to his 'powers', he could immediately tell that the boy's interest was true. not a hint of judgement or impertinence was seen in his soul, just pure curiosity and interest.


hongjoong eventually spoke, his own voice feeling awkward in his throat. the boy giggled a bit and hongjoong could feel his lips wanting to curl up.

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