Jonah Marshall x Colby

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It was a normal day as Colby's soon to be lover was working in the BPS doing illegal shit as a few hours passed as Jonah soon returned as he looked at Colby who well looked anxious af as Colby had this crush on Jonah as Jonah didn't even know this.

"Hey Colby you ok? You look anxious about something.." Said Jonah as he looked at them as Colby had Looked at Jonah as they spoke "O-oh! No I'm fine Jonah don't worry about me...Say How was work today?" Said Colby trying to change the subject as Jonah found this weird since he looked at Colby as he wrapped his arm around their waist as Jonah pulled Colby close to him as their bodies touched as Jonah blushed slightly when he did this as Colby went ahead and made the first move as they looked at Jonah as Colby then got their face closer to Jonah as Jonah and Colby's lips soon touched together as they kissed as they soon pulled back as Jonah spoke "A-Are we a thing now..?" Asked Jonah as Colby had nodded as he looked at his lover.

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