chapter 2 (hey i think i know you you)

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Its been.a mounth since I started working at Starbucks and I haven't seen corra around latley.Its been weird not having her with me,I'll probley check on her after I finish work.
Yea Mr.Frank
Can you please go clean that table
Yea sure
And you can just x
Call me frank
I whent over to go wash the table and I thought to myself is corra dead is the why she's not anwersing my calls,is her phone tire off,I havent seen her at school lately .Is she getting bullied,I wish I could help her.
Here sarah take this and go on your breack
Frank had made me a Oreo drink,he knew it was my favourite.when I got out of the store I walked to corras.When I got there I rang her doorbell but no one anwerserd. I rang a second time and she anwersed the door.
hey corra
hey why are you of so early?
I'm on my break
so...why haven't you been answering my calls?
I didn't want to answer because well
I'm moving.
what were?
to colafriona.My dad found a job there and he got hired so yea.
your the only friend I have
hey don't be sad I can still come down to visit and we can call and text echoler
fine but before you leave we have to do things toghler.ok
ok starting tomorrow
ok bye
I was walking back to Starbucks when I bumped into someone.
omg I'm so sorry
its ok.
it was a boy I could tell by his voice but I couldn't see his face because his hood was up.
I should have looked were I was going
no its fine I shouldn't just be standing here anywase.
the boy touck his hood down and I instily knew it was Ashton
hey I think I know you?
yea I'm Sarah the girl you saw a month ago
oh how have you been?
good how about you?
well I have band rehursls,but I'm going to Starbucks to get the lads a drink
I work at Starbucks
oh well I guess we can walk together
hey do you want to come to our band rehursl?
sure I'll just have to ask my manager Frank,besides I'm sure he will let me he let's me have my break earlier then the others that work there
yea it is
so tell me about yourself
well I'm 16 I moved here from the USA and i love to draw,sing,and dance.
after what felt like a long time we arrived at Starbucks.
hey frank can I get off early?
sure can pumpkin.
the last time I heard that name was before my dad died.
daddy were are you going?
I'm going with the angles
but will I still see you?
no but I'll see you
I'll look down upon you from my new home and I'll tell the other angles that's my daughter isn't she beautiful
I love you daddy
I love you too pumpkin...
(flashback over)
Were did that come from
I don't know I guess it just came to my head
Oh.anywase thanks see you tomorrow
When we left Ashton looked at me.
Are you OK?
Yea m fine
You looked upset when he called you pumkin.
I always shudder when I hear that name.
Do you want me to tell you?
I mean if its not so sad for you then yea
Ok.well when I was younger my dad used to call me pumpkin but he got really sick d had to go to the hospital. So one day me and my mom whent to visit himnand that was the last time I heard that name.
Oh I'm so sorry
Its ok
Well he's in a better place now
Were here
Is this your house?
No its Michaels house
When we walked in the boys were silinet.
Alright I'll tellnyou guys after let's just rehurs.
After there rehursls the other boys left and Ashton walked me home.
What is this?
My number
Oh thanks
Call e when you whant to talk
Cool thanks

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