payback is a bitch

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It was 5:00pm "AW SHIT!" I yelled 'shit shit I'm late for work ssshhhiiiittttt!!!' I grabbed a black ripped crop top and semi ripped black skinny jeans with my black knee high converse and a few minutes later I was out of my door but I ran into someone which made me fall straight on my ass "For fuck sake!" I grabbed my phone and rang work "Sir im sick *Pretends to cough* he tells me that I can take a few days off
I looked up to the person staring at me

"Hey Andy!" I ran upto him hugging him he hugged me back then we broke it up "Um Kaitlin.....I'm leaving to be in a band and I know you want to come but I don't want you to!" I looked at him in shock "I HATE YOU ANDREW BEIRSACK!"

~End of Flashback~

"Um are you ok?" "I'm fine andrew!" he realised who I was and I just walked past him "Kaitlin!" I continued to walk tears coming to my eyes remembering the way he left me in my house with my abusive mother I wad grabbed and turned around "Listen to me Kaitlin" "NO I WON'T YOUR A BACKSTABBING DICKHEAD I DIDNT WANT TO SEE YOU THEN I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU NOW SO LEAVE ME ALONE!" this was a lie I did want to see him I wanted us to be best friends again I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of crying it was andy his warpaint everywhere he was sat on the floor head in his hands "I hated you too Kaitlin...." I turned around to look at him again "Hated....." he looked up and nodded "I was getting sick to death of you but that was then when I didn't care but I care now and I want to help you" I shook my head "Go back to your black Veil brides bus the people in there are more important then me!" I walked back to my apartment locking the door when i got in "Ugh why am I so stupid!" I said to myself as I slid down the down tears staining my face "Your not!" I heard a voice from the other side of the door it was my neighbour Bryan Stars (Yep the interviewer) I unlocked the door and it opened as he sat down where the door was and I placed my head on his lap "Hey I have an interview in a minute wanna come with me?" I nodded and got up walking downstairs with him "Who with" he smiled "Its secret!" I smiled as we walked to the car park where the interview was my heart broke into pieces "NO!" I tried to run but Bryan had hold of me "GET OFF BASTARD!" I yelled at him he let go and I started walking away but then I reminded myself 'Don't let him win Kaitlin don't let him win' I started walking back to them and stood right next to Andy with a huge fake smile on my face Bryan knew it was fake but Andy didn't "I knew you'd come back" he whispered in my ear "I came back so I could watch my best mate interview a bastard that's all!" I whispered in his ear making him shiver "But you will be mine someday and you know that too" I smiled properly this time and just nudged him making him smile too

~1hr and 40 mins later~

"Hey umm Kay?" I smiled and turned to Andy "Yes?" he smirked "wanna go to my bus for something eat" I smiled and ran to the bus before him "Hey Ashley CC Jinxx and jake!" I shouted while sitting on the couch "Hey?" they all said in unison "What?" "Oh yea you don't know me!" Andy smiled and told them all privately soon I had Four people hugging the fuck out of me apart from ashley he was just undressing me with his mind "Ashley stop undressing me with your mind it's weird!" I got up and ran to Andy "He is weird anyway Kay" CC got up and went upto me dragging me to the bunks "Andy never stops talking about a Kay! You must be that Kaitlin then!" I nodded then he hugged me and we both went to where the others where I felt rreally weird but unexpectedly Ashley kissed me but I didn't think id kiss back "Whoa guys she is a great kisser!" I turned to see where Andy was and he was out of the bus walking away his fists clenched and he was walking the way he does when he was jealous and pissed off I whispered to Ashley a plan to get Andy back for what he did to me and he agreed then we told everyone else and they agreed and looked very pissed at what Andy had done back then but I didn't care I have a fake boyfriend called Ashley Purdy

~3hrs later~
"I'm back" I heard a yell from the bus door yep I'm still on the bus we all nodded and went to the couch I was holding hands with Ashley and when Andy saw it he was more pissed then ever he straight away went to his bunk and closed the curtain "Stage one complete" I whispered as everyone started laughing "STOP LAUGHING YOU LOT IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" I could tell he was pissed off so I went to his bunk and pulled open the curtain to  see a crying Andy "Go back to your boyfriend Kaitlin!" he slightly yelled but not enough for them lot to hear I felt really bad so I told him the plan and that he had to go along with it as much as he could and he nodded "Well payback is a bitch Andy!" he smirked as I walked off to let him sleep and went to Ash


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