
1.1K 33 21

"hey shua"

I looked at him with a slight tilt of my head, he chuckled

"wanna go to an arcade?"

My eyes sparkled as he that, i really want to try out playing in a arcade but sadly, i dont have time to go some places that's not important

"sure!" i said happily

He grabbed my hand and intertwining it while walking on our way to finding the arcade

Not too long ago, we found the arcade, i was surprised how big the place is and notice how a lot childrens, and teenagers are playing some video games

"you look excited hm?" he said with a hint of laugh, while i flushed my cheeks

"sorry, its been a long time since the last i went to an arcade"

"its fine me too" he said patting my fluffy black hair

"let's go get tokens first" i nodded and followed him with my hand still on his hand too

"50 tokens please" the cashier gave us the bag of tokens and we start going around to find a vacant videogames

After a short searching we found an interesting game and we played it




I looked at his watch it's already 7 pm, and we decide to end it today because, we still have photoshoot for the club expedition next week and classes

We went to the points count machine and let the machine count all our points throughout the games we played and won

And to my surprise we got over a 1.5k points

"thats a lot!"

"mhm, pick whichever you want babe" i blushed at the pet name

"i-i want that beads kit" he nods and went to the cashier

"hello can we get the beads kit?" the cashier nodded and went to get the beads kit and put it on a paper bag and gave it to him

"here" he said giving it to me and i mumbked a thank you to him

"let's go home?" i nodded showing a tiredness on my face as he laughed

"want me to carry you?" he smirk and i quickly didn't hint any tiredness on my face anymore, although i still feel it

After an hour we finally reached my home and he kissed my lips before walking away

I went inside my room and immediately opens the bag and remove the beads kit to it and placed it beside my desk, and started reviewing for tomorrows's surprise quiz

Time passed, i looked at my clock and it shows 02 AM 'hell no i haven't sleep at this hour yet' i quickly prepared myself for sleeping, not caring about the stuff on my desk, since i can just put them away tomorrow

I collapsed on my bed feeling the emptiness of someone next to me
I pouted as i remember him saying, he will go home to his house today not here

I closed my eyes and went to my dreamland




I woke up by the sound of my alarm showing an 8:30 AM. That's when it hits me i'm already late

'ughhhhh' i started to move faster, i put all the needed things on my bag including the camera and, putting my uniform in a speed of light.

As i closed the door, i ran fast as i could to the school, praying that the security guards let me in even though i'm late

I reached the gate of the school, asking the security guards if i can enter, at first, they we're not letting me in, but at my 3rd attempt begging them, they let me in, i ran as fast i could inside, and goes to directly at my room

"hell, i forgot the professor in first class is very strict" i said to my mind, looking at the window where i saw the professor is so focused on his lecture, as i looked at the students on their desk, i tried to find jeonghan but, i couldn't find him, thats when i felt a hand on my waist

"why hello nerd" i looked at the person behind me, it was my bully... Oh no....
I gulped and looks both side if i can find an escape but to my luck, the guy pulled me and forces me to follow him

"we ended up behind the school, he threw me into the wall, i resisted my pain, as i dont want to cause any problems with the classes

"hngh- " i groaned and looks up to the guy calling whistling, probably calling his friends... Pls no... I attempt to escape, when i run outside the school, they continued to keep chase down after me, im starting to get tired, and i looked behind me and saw the guy are being beaten by jeonghan and dino...?

"wha-" i watched them as they both beating the group of my bullies, but... How they found me..? Why chan is beating them with jeonghan...?" a lot of questions came to my mind, as i froze on my spot watching the scene

They continued to beat the bullies, as i finally processed whats happening, i ran to them to stop them

"jeonghan.. Channie.. stop..." i pulled jeonghan arm, finally he stopped and looked at me

"jeonghan..." with that been said, he hugged me tightly, chan stopped beating the other guys and looked at us... He smiled

"hi hyung" i smiled to him and jeonghan released his hug on me, i hugged chan next

"channie... i missed you, what happened??" he pulled away and started to reason

"they forced me to join their gang hyung... If i don't join, they will continue beating you up and planning to kidnapped you... I'm sorry hyung... Please forgive me" he cried on my shoulder as i pat his head, i notice jeonghan is looking at us with that warm smile

"you're good channie, thank you so much again"

"no problem hyung, can we be friends again?" i nodded multiple times

"of course!" he celebrates and starts jumping around as i watched him being happy

Jeonghan walks closer to me and said

"you okay babe? Did they hurt you?" he said while checking every part of me, i shook my head

"Why we're you by the way?" he questioned, and i giggled

"i woke up so late, sorry" i scatched my nape, blushing

"awwww" he leaned closed and kissed me in the lips

"ya! We still have school you guys!" we then seperated, when we realized chan was still here, we all three laughed

"cmon hyungs!" chan said as he starts running as we start running too

To Be Continued...

A/N: im back lol, i was lazy to write something sorry

Feb 23, 2023

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