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"Here you are."

That statement rings throughout the room as each box is handed off and the checklist is ticked off.

Until it gets looked over and there has been a name skipped over, right there amid the others.

"That one might be mine, seeing as how I don't have one yet."

Before she could correct him, another speaks up,

"No, but he's not here yet."

Just as the other spoke, another man entered the room.

Quickly turning and checking the list once more, two unticked names stood out immediately, ticked off.

"Here you are, and you as well."

Surrounded by men holding boxes, they looked on with promise,

"So.... can we open them now."

With a subtle nod, each found a table, balanced it in one hand, or simply placed them on the floor, and all opened their boxes at once.

It was quiet for some time as they sifted through the contents before they began showing and admiring what each other had, and concluding that it was all the same stuff but in distinctive colors.

Their favorite colors.

"Thank you."

Resounded through the room.

As the group began placing all the stuff back into the boxes, she began to hand out, plush safety bags,

"If you would like to place the items in here for safe keeping you can and the box will be shipped to your home, please be mindful of the craftsmanship on the top lid of each box as it is velvet and made in your image."

She explained as she handed each male a bag that was also embroidered and color-coded.

Once the gift portion was done she stood back against the wall, watching as they interacted, before moving silently across the room, ending up near him,


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