#9 The End

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A few months later December 10th

It was a cold December morning inside Gotham City the now 4 month Pregnant Louise Liang aka Killer Frost was with her husband Kai Liang aka Subzero at the Doctor's office trying to figure out the gender of there baby thanks to Kai's Edenian Genes they can find the gender Early It was a boy Kai was the happiest he's ever been in years. After the appointment they went shopping buying numerous Baby books and Clothes but they couldn't decide on a name after going out to eat while stuck in deep thought Kai finally came up with a name.

Kai I got it I want to name him after my father

Louise the way you talk about him do you think he would have liked me ?

Kai yeah he would have approved so our Son's name will be Kaui Liang Junior

Louise I like that and I love you

Kai I love you too


currently Hiroshi Hisashi was helping Everyone else set up the Christmas decorations around the new Shirai Ryu temple oh and when he was hugged from behind by Talia Al Ghul who had embraced all of this change being a Hero her sister Nyssa was out Christmas shopping for all of the new students.

Hiroshi I like this you showing your Emotions I know you were raised to Suppress them

Talia with you I am so happy I've never felt this way before it's wonderful but there's one problem my father he's as old as a fossil  still wanting old values and wants to kill me

Both of them turn around and look each other in the eyes embracing each other But this happiness was broken up by the arrival of Ra's Al Ghul and several Rouge league of Assassins ninjas  Quickly Hiroshi reacted taking on the the rouge League of Assassins members.

Talia father it doesn't have to end this way there is a better way

Ra's no This is the only way I must stop you from Damning my legacy

Talia I understand that This father now after this day your legacy will be longed Forgotten.

Thanks to her time with Hiroshi Talia was able to Memorize her father's fighting style and waited for the perfect opening to Kick him directly into chest sending the Old man flying down a flight of Stairs quickly she ran after her father as he tried to flee he tried to take one of the students Hostage after already witnessing her son dieing Talia would not go though watching another Child die so behind her Back Talia had a Shirken and quickly acting Talia threw The Shirken into her father's Skull she made sure that student was alright.

Talia are you alright Child ?

Student #1 t-Thank you Ms Al Ghul for saving my life

Talia you are welcome child.

After making sure that student was alright she ran to find Hiroshi Hisashi aka Scorpion and those rouge League of assassins ninjas were all Burned alive.

Hiroshi I take it that your father is dead

Talia yes but I want to make sure that he can not be brought back to life thanks to the Lazurus pit

Hiroshi so you want me to burn his dead body to a crisp

Talia yes beloved

Hiroshi it shall be done.

After calming himself Hiroshi Took off His mask the flesh melting off his face turning into a Skull on fire and Burned Ra's Al Ghul's body and Sent the remains into Hell it took a few minutes For Hiroshi's flesh to grow back After the skin on his face grew back he went to go see if Talia was alright when He got there Talia was telling her sister Nyssa who had just gotten back from Christmas shopping explaining what happened.

Nyssa so father's dead about damn time

Talia I want you to meet my son

Hiroshi are you sure that this is a good idea

Talia well thanks to you I turned over a new leaf the league of assassins are no more and a force for good and your apart of my life as is Nyssa so I feel like it would be a good idea

Hiroshi okay I got time.

A few hours in the batcave

Damian Wayne aka Robin had received a message from his Mother Talia Al Ghul saying that she wanted to meet up and make peace with the entire Batfamily when Damian told his father Bruce Wayne aka batman he encouraged Damian to go for it as did the others for it was because of Scorpion that they now have a better understanding of what a real hero is so Damian agreed to meet his mother at Paulie's dinner accompanying Damian was his father Bruce Wayne aka batman and accompanying Talia is Hiroshi Hisashi aka Scorpion.

Damian so your the famous Scorpion I've heard a lot about you

Hiroshi Good things I hope

Bruce Listen now that you're with Talia I just needed to know how you felt about Damian

Hiroshi Bruce I already have several children on the way I know it's not normal to you but we're but Since I am a fire demon I am required to have multiple mates

Bruce that's not unheard of but I just needed to know if Damian would be safe around you

Hiroshi of course I'm the one that killed Darkside so you don't need to worry.

A little bit later Lincoln Manor

Cassandra Cage was in a very happy mood because she was able to find out the gender of her baby it's a girl When she got back to Lincoln Manor both her adopted daughter's Stephanie Brown and And Cassandra Cain Both crying both of them had been bullied because of the controversy surrounding Hiroshi Hisashi Scorpion but Stephanie fought back but and now the bully's mom is trying to Sue.

Cassandra Cage it's not your fault Stephanie you did the right thing hey nothing will happen to our family

Cassandra Cain I'm scared I don't want to go to a orphanage

Cassandra Cage nothing will ever happen to you guys Your father is one of the most powerful Metahumans on the planet he's faught gods Demons Titans some Karen will not be a problem.

Time skip Monday December 13th

So going to this Parent Teacher conference was Hiroshi Hisashi aka Scorpion he retained his Anger despite the Principal's racist Remarks

Hiroshi I have had a very rough life I gave these girls a good home and for you to sit there and say I'm Part of Yakuza why because I'm Japanese I have more money then you could ever dream off and those Remarks you made about Stephanie calling her a fat Cow I will make your life a living hell do we understand each other

Shortly after this that principal was fired the same thing with the teacher after this Hiroshi took Stephanie and Cassandra Cain to the secretary of State to have there last names to Hisashi After getting back home Hiroshi was visited by the Spirits of his Parents Hanzo Hisashi had Mileena Hisashi.

Hiroshi Mom dad how is this possible our world was Destroyed

Hanzo I know son but we've been watching you ever since you got here

Mileena I'm so proud of you and the Family you have Created and know that we will be watching over you and our grandkids

Hanzo good luck son

After they disappeared Hiroshi looked off into the sunset happy with the Life he has created for himself and because he let go of his rage he learned that some journeys have to come to end sometimes you have to embrace the people you have met in your life to live Worth remembering and that's what a good journey is all about.

Author's end

This is the end I've had a lot of fun Writing This

Not sure what kind of story's I'll write next what ever comes next I'll be ready for

It's not Blood that makes the Shirai Ryu worthy it's heart

(Hanzo Hisashi- Mortal Kombat 11)

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