~Side Table~

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For this episode, I was inspired by an incident that a friend of mine told me about. And that makes my job even more fun! Anyway, let's get started!

[This episode takes place before they started dating]

3rd Person pov;

Reagan : Is this really necessary Gigi?

Reagan was whining, looking at the dress Gigi was holding from its hanger.

It was a long black dress with long sleeves. The waist and legs had decolletes that enough to disturb Reagan.

Gigi: Of course it is! Don't tell me you're going to a place like that with your lab coat!

Reagan quickly lowered her head and glanced at her clothes.

Reagan : Don't you think?

Gigi said while putting the dress in her hand.

Gigi :No way, honey! I also tried very hard to choose the right dress for you.Now stop being biased!

Reagan grimaced as she held the dress over herself and imagined shes wearing it.

Brett, who had come in at that time, came to them.

Brett: Hey girls! Oh Reagan are you going to wear this?

Reagan : If you like it can be yours

Brett: I think I like it more if you wear it! But what is all this for?

Gigi : Reagan is going to an important job interview tonight.

Brett: Oh fun!

Reagan :You  call this fun?

Gigi : If you're not going to listen to me, maybe you'll listen to JR, sweety!

Reagan rolled her eyes.

Reagan : No, i'm fine like that! I need a good enough conversation plan to make sure I don't fuck things up!

Brett put his hand on her shoulder

Brett : No need to be so nervous, Reags! You will definitely got it!

Reagan : I can't help it! I'll ruin everything, like I always do!

Gigi : Like you do a little less often than usual!

Reagan : Gigi, you're not helping!


Reagan had been looking at herself in the mirror for a long time. The dress she wore had an "x" shaped opening that wrapped around her waist. Her right leg was almost up to the knee. Because of Gigi's endless insistence, She had attached a thin silver necklace to her empty neck.

It couldn't get any worse, she thought. It would be nice if this night ended as soon as possible.

She took a deep breath and entered the room and sat down at a table she had set her sights on. She felt her heart beating fast. It would be a nightmare for everyone in this company if she screwed everything up.

It was almost crowded but quiet inside. She stood up, realizing that it was the person she had been waiting for.

The man noticed her and came to her. After shaking hands, they sat on opposite chairs.

:I know because I heard your name a lot, Reagan Ridley-

Reagan : Actually I've never heard of your name before, so-

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