The Meeting

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Theresa hummed to herself as she twirled her baton into the air, swiftly catching it as it fell.

It was a crisp Friday night, and Theresa had just finished practice and was walking home by herself. Theresa perkily traveled with a small skip, as she was ecstatic to go home and play her new video games.

Her perky attitude came to a halt at the sound of deep breathing. Theresa stopped and surveyed her surroundings, nothing to be seen.

Theresa wasn't scared of the dark, considering one of her friends was Julian, only what could've resided in it scared her. Theresa walked faster, not wanting to encounter whatever was around her.

A loud roar thundered through the air, further terrifying Theresa even more. Theresa dropped her baton and started fearfully sprinting as a large, lengthy figure cut through the air. Theresa's home was only a few blocks away; she had to make it there.

Theresa continued running, as she heard the figure edging closer and closer towards her. She was almost to her house when the figure lunged right in front of her.

Theresa shrieked at the sight of a giant feathered dragon in front of her. It looked like a Japanese dragon; it was coated in black feathers over crimson scales. Alongside a short, tyrian mane.

Instead of a snout, it had a protruding large beak and glowing red eyes reflecting rage.

Glowing crimson smoke was exhaled from its nostrils, with the strong odor of silt and sulfur. Theresa quivered in terror as the beast stared her down, edging closer and closer towards her. "P-Please don't eat me..." Theresa quietly begged as the beast slowly started coiling around her body, refusing to let her escape.

The beast's face came closer and closer to Theresa as she whimpered. Suddenly, the beast's face softened, almost as if it recognized her. It let out a low growl as it nuzzled its face against her body.

Theresa was left perplexed and terrified by the beast's actions; why was it acting this way? Usually whenever there was a monster attack, the monsters would behave erratically, utterly careless to who they caused harm to. Theresa knew that well enough from all the times she'd been transformed into one. This time, it seemed like the dragon had a semblance of sentience left.

The beast seemed to calm down with Theresa's presence. Its grip loosened as its tail began to retract. A cloud of green smoke surrounded it as the figure of a human began to form. The figure looked familiar, very familiar.

Theresa watched in awe as the dragon turned into none other than Randy Cunningham. His eyes were closed and he was smiling. Theresa blushed as she noticed that his arms were wrapped around her waist.

"R-Randy?" Theresa stammered. Randy's eyes flickered open and his pupils dilated in shock as he saw Theresa.

"Theresa!?" Randy exclaimed, quickly pulling back. An awkward silence befell the two as they stared at each other for a moment. "Uh, how did I get here?" Randy inquired, scratching his head in confusion. "Well, I suppose you got turned into a dragon and just flew here." Theresa awkwardly replied.

Randy started to panic at the response "You mean, I was stanked?! Oh God, this cannot be happening...". Theresa watched in worry as her crush started to hyperventilate, with signs of tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. Theresa walked over and cupped his face within her hands, soothly hushing him.

"Shh... It's okay, I'm here..." She cooed. Theresa wiped away Randy's tears as he sniffled. "I'm... I'm so sorry you had to see me like this..." He apologized.

"No, it's okay. It happens to the best of us." Theresa reassured. "It's not your fault...".

Theresa took Randy by the hand and started leading him to her house. "I'll make us some tea and cookies while we talk." Theresa said. "O-Okay..." Randy affirmed.

While it wasn't a good time for romance, Theresa felt enamored that she was with her crush. She rarely got to speak with him, and he was always busy hanging out with Howard. Truth be told, Theresa didn't think highly of Howard, only believing him to be a roadblock in her perusal of Randy.

Yet, Theresa kept her opinions to herself; after all, she didn't control Randy's lifestyle choices. Though she didn't get what Randy saw in such a vain, slobby shoob like Howard.

"We're here." Theresa pulled out her house key and inserted it into the lock. She pushed the door forward as she helped Randy inside. Randy sat at the kitchen table, resting his head on it as he watched Theresa close the door.

"My parents are on a business trip, so it's just us." Theresa said, walking over to the counter and grabbing a tea bag. Theresa pulled out a teapot and started pouring water into it before placing it onto the stove. She then sat in front of Randy and smiled warmly at him.

"You know, you don't have to stay silent. It's not good to withhold your emotions like that." Theresa said. "I think you might've dropped your baton outside." Randy said. "Well, there's a- Wait, I dropped my baton!" Theresa jumped up and rushed to the door.

"I'll be back soon, don't go anywhere!" Theresa exclaimed, slamming the door behind her.

Randy only watched in bemusement, before sighing and looking at the ceiling.

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