Chapter Three: 2017

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September 2017

The next four months came and went with Harry and Quinn exchanging approximately eleven thousand text messages. Or at least that's what it felt like by Quinn's estimate.

After he had returned Quinn's cardigan and she had returned his text message, they had stayed in a near constant state of contact, swapping memes and asking each other questions about favorite foods and movies, but never discussing what happened in the coat room.

A few weeks after Harry's SNL performance, he messaged Quinn to let her know he'd be back in the city to perform on the Today Show ahead of his album release. Quinn marked the date of his arrival on her calendar, but was disappointed when she was called to help film pre-recorded sketches. She managed to escape briefly, but when she made her way down to the plaza, Harry was gone. Dejected, she went back to work. He texted her an hour later letting her know he was disappointed they couldn't make their schedules line up.

When Harry's album dropped a couple of days later, Quinn downloaded it, listening to it as she made her way back to Brooklyn in the early hours of the morning. The final track ended as she arrived at her door, and after brushing her teeth and crawling into bed, she texted him a congratulatory message. Before she could shut off her phone the three dots danced across the screen, Harry's response appearing seconds later.

Thanks, Agent Q... I'm glad at least one person likes it.

Quinn smiled to herself, quickly replying. I think a lot of people are going to enjoy it if the crowds at the Today Show are any indication.

Glancing at the time on her phone and realizing she had to be up in about three hours, she moved to set her alarm when the screen suddenly changed, indicating she had an incoming video call from Harry.

She froze. What was the protocol for this situation? Did she answer? Should she leave her camera on or off? Impulsively, she answered the call before she could overthink any more. Harry's face filled her screen and she couldn't help but notice the way he smiled when her video appeared on his end.

"Wasn't sure if you'd be up for a call, but I figured I'd try," he said with his soft Northern drawl. "It's not too late for you, is it?"

Quinn knew she needed sleep, but her desire to chat with Harry was greater.

"Not at all," she said, stifling a yawn. "I just got back from the office. I'm still winding down."

"Busy day?"

"You wouldn't believe what happened," Quinn said, launching into a story about following Melissa McCarthy as she drove a Segway through the streets of New York.

Harry dutifully listened, laughing when appropriate and occasionally interrupting to ask a follow up question about Quinn's coworkers.

When she finished her second anecdote, about a writing session earlier in the week, she paused, leaving room for Harry to to interject with a story of his own, but he remained silent. After a moment, Quinn spoke again.

"How are you feeling about everything? Any plans to celebrate?"

Harry looked off into the distance, furrowing his brow in thought. "It all feels so surreal," he said after a moment. "Like I still can't believe it's happening."

"I get what you mean," Quinn murmured.

"Don't have any real plans to celebrate yet," he added. "I'm about to go off and do some interviews. After that, I don't know, I might get some dinner with folks."

"Sounds like a great way to end a day."


Quinn could hear a shuffling on Harry's end and some muddled words as he shifted the phone. She couldn't make out who the other party was, but Harry suddenly reappeared.

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