Let's Try That Again, Sweetie

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Barbara's POV

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that the area is clear from any guards that might have been lingering around his building. He must have driven off already to the town ceremony for the grand festival today. That means more time for me to do some investigation.

I decided to fix the wire rope attached to the waist of my bodysuit, making sure the locks are fully secured. I hold on tight to the rope and exhaled a huge shuddering breath before I give 3 steps backward as a head start and run off the edge of the tall building, jumping off, the rope carrying me and swinging my body to the building next to where I came from. I calculated my distance from the 23rd floor's emergency fire exit staircase and when I saw the opportunity, I swung forward and let go of the rope. I held on to the metal bars of the stairs, catching myself before I even fall. I hoist myself up, standing on the railing of the stairs, balancing myself. I decided to look through the window. It's quite dark inside, but quiet. I waited for a few minutes for any movement from the inside and when I feel like the coast is clear, I opened the windows. No locks? Really stupid idea, David.

I sneakily went inside, trying to be really quiet just in case there are any guards waiting outside his office. I looked around his office. It's quite cold here, the dark brown walls adding to that breezy feeling. It has two sections, one is where I am standing, where his office desk is located, and some drawers and bookshelves are standing beneath the walls. The other section is like a receiving area, which is quite bigger. Couches are situated in the middle, a huge oak table is surrounded by those couches. There are paintings hanging on the walls of each section, and statues displayed on some bookshelves. There really is not much to see other than bookshelves full of books and documents. The paintings look good though. Never really expected him to take a liking for any Carl Blechen or Jakub Schikaneder works. It really gives off that somber mood, bordering in places on a tragic existential feeling.

Great taste in art.

I shrugged and decided to go directly to his office desk, and started my mission. I only have about fifteen to twenty minutes to finish searching the room for any document that I can use so I can put his ass in jail. I started to lockpick the drawers, using the bobby pins I pinned on my hair to make everything easier for me. Once I got it unlocked, I started rummaging through his files, searching every inch and corner of every drawer on his desk. Not much can be found there except for his gun, some trash, a few condoms (disgusting, I swear. What a pig.), and just more trash.

I let out a huge exhale, annoyed that I never got anything from his desk. I shook my head and decided to move along. I was about to step forward to one of his bookshelves when I heard a creak behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart hammering in my chest. Shit!

Whoever is behind me is doing a great job in being quiet as they never spoke a word. I held onto my Nr.1 Glock 17 pistol that is securely kept in my gun holster that is attached to my right leg. I decided to pull out the gun and face whoever ruined my mission.

And standing there in front of me is none other than, the devil himself.

"Mayor," I muttered, my gun still aiming at him. He is standing on the frame of the divider of his office, a glass of whiskey in his right hand, his left hand hiding in the pocket of his pants. He looks relaxed standing there, with a lazy smile etched on his face. I so badly want to punch that smile out of his face.

"Hello." He greeted, sipping the whiskey from his glass. "Don't mind me here, continue what you were doing." He said, looking up at me from his glass, a slight smirk forming on his lips. I rolled my eyes at him, putting my gun back in my holster when I saw that he does not have his guards with him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked. He let out a small chuckle before finishing off his drink. I stood far away from him, making sure I still have my gun in my holster. He walked towards his desk, where I am situated. I decided to walk slowly away from him, making sure we have a safe distance from each other.

"This is my office, my little minx. Of course, I will be here." He sarcastically replied. My left eye twitched with the nickname he called me.

"I told you to not fucking call me that." I snarled. "Aren't you supposed to be at the town ceremony?"

"Yeah, but that's too boring. Plus, I figured you'd miss me so I decided to stay." He says, going to one of the shelves in his room, and grabbing a bottle of whiskey. I watched his every move. For someone that is face-to-face with his enemy, he seems to be enjoying what is happening right now. I looked around the room again, making sure that no one is going to barge inside and shoot me. He seems to notice this as I saw him stop walking in my peripheral vision.

"No worries, I made sure that all my men will go to the ceremony. The "decoy" must be protected at all times as well you know." He says, doing air quotes with his fingers.

Oh, so that is why I saw "him" ride his BMW. That's just a decoy? Ugh, how stupid Barbara.

"I am actually flattered that you have been watching over me. I feel safe knowing that." He says, pouring himself another glass of whiskey. What a sarcastic asshole.

I sighed heavily. There's no use staying here any longer. This jerk is just pissing the hell out of me and I know I won't be able to get anything from here. I looked at him, giving his back a dead stare.

His stance was tall. Confident. Powerful. Annoying.

He drank his whiskey as I stayed quiet. He only gulped it twice and it was finished already. An alcoholic too? Another one was added to the hate list.

"You want a drink, minx?" He offered. I clenched my jaw as a sign of my burning annoyance at him. Mission fucking failed. Way to go, Barbara. Time to ditch before you get shot here.

He must have seen my internal battle with myself as he laughed at me. His laugh rings in my ear.

God, this asshole really is killing me.

I watched as he turned his back on me and was about to grab another glass of whiskey so I used that moment to quietly walk towards him and plan to punch the living hell out of him. Only for him to move to his right and dodge it and turned around. He instantly grabbed my right arm and pulls me in, his face inches away from mine. I can feel his warm breath fan over my face, his breath warm but smells like whiskey.

I hate whiskey. I hate him.

"That was cute. Let's try that again, sweetie." He says as a smirk starts to form on his lips. I lift my other arm and tried to throw another punch but he blocked it, grabbing it as well, twisting me so my back was against him. He moved me forward and pinned me against his desk, my arms still on my back, his tight grip makes it difficult for me to break free.

He leaned forward, his body against my own, and whispered in my ear. "Do you really think you will ever find what you were looking for here? Sweets, the only answer to your questions can only be found in me. I am not selfish, you know. I can give it to you if you want."

I can feel his lips tickling my ears. That gave chills down my body.

Fucking hell?

Before he could even let out another word, I moved my head and banged it to his, making him yelp out of surprise and pain. His grip loosened, so I was able to break free. I stood tall, feeling a bit woozy from what I did but decided to still give him a sweet punch on the face. He held his jaw and tried to blink away the dizziness he is feeling.

I decided to make a run for it, going through the windows where I initially sneaked in, and looked back at him. He is still hunched over, holding his jaw but looking straight into my eyes.

"Try not to miss me, Mayor." I said, before I throw the rope on the other building, and jump off the railings, preparing myself for the impact.

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