How safe

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A shell, 4 spikes, at rest on the ground. It is quiet around here and with only the occasional breeze to disturb the turtle lays motionless... But not asleep.
It is evening and he is alert, mind you he does not show to be alert all that much, he WOULD rather sleep and you can see that as clear as day in his half lidded eyes: as always they yearn for rest, but right now, especially right now, he cannot.


Well you see he is familiar with the area, being around for so long does that, and thus he is familiar with all dangers and possibilities of things like weather and animals. The turtle knows that during summer nights the birds scream and during winter days there are some animals that become especially violent, and he knows right here right now, on this spring evening... There is a beast that comes out and comes right through this area.
Not too great for him but at this point moving will not get him anywhere useful, he thought to himself he would leave the area and find somewhere else to rest for the time being... He thought that a while back. He kept thinking “Ah well.. Give it another 5 more minutes...”... And suddenly 5 more minutes becomes another 5 more, another 5 more, and now... It is too late. He had planned to leave at the crack of dawn yet here he hides as the sun lowers.
The shell feels a vibration from the ground go through it, it is distant but lively, he cowers further inside. His shell it is very durable, it has lasted him years and it will further last him years, it is his only protection during a time like this.

The vibration slowly but surely is approaching, it is very fast. The turtle widens his eyes anticipating something godawful... Something wretched... Something starved from the desert that has not eaten in quite a while and is peckish... For turtle.  His shell as sturdy as it is becomes useless against a finger or a long nail, something that can poke around inside and feel for him. The moment something so horrible comes in contact with the soft that is the turtle it could tear him out and ooh.. Ooooh he does not wish to dwell on it any further.
The light vibration has become a rumble. It’s unpleasant. He wishes he could sleep through something so obnoxious, he has been lightly sleeping and waking up all day because of this disgusting thing, he considered himself quite the peaceful person however as of the moment he is in the mood to give this beast a right kick or two! No respect for the elderly, let the old man sleep damn it! Selfish, inconsiderate beast. No manners.

It’s close but not in sight. He can feel the damned thing... And suddenly it stops. God alive. The turtle from his fixed position looked around frantically for any possible sign however his sights still seem clear.
A shadow all of a sudden makes itself apparent, towering from behind him a huge form grabs at the shell and hoists it upwards, throwing it high. The turtle widens its eyes and holds back from making any verbal complaints, if this beast figures out that there is something alive inside this shell it will be the end. The shell is caught with one hand and a noise arises.

“Fancy this! What on Earth are you doing here Slogturtle?”

Slogturtle's shell almost deflates to this sound. All that tense feeling is gone.
“Be a dear and let me see who is holding me?”
“Oh yes my bad..”

And with a quick swivel of fingers Slogturtle came to see the... Not beast. This was not the beast, far from it. It was a whole different thing.


“That is me yes,”

Buzzcrave brought the shell closer to him, now holding it in two hands instead of one. He tilts his head so slightly as he peers inside.

“What are you doing awake?”
That quickly brought the turtle back to his situation.
“Ah yes! You see, Buzzcrave, there is an awful thing that comes through here around now and it has been keeping me from getting any proper rest.”

How safe (Slow-Moving Slogturtle x Gluttonous Buzzcrave)Where stories live. Discover now