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Just another Day

After Nandu's holiday They spent The next day with Jigar and Asha And Enjoy to the fullest playing pranks and playing games and While Manik and asha doing cheating and Not accepting After Very Long they enjoy like that next day Manik Spend whole day with his family telling them stories about his life and making sure not to make them feel guilty and listening their love story while Nandu Spend time with her family full day and night with Jigar And abhi Sitting in her balcony sipping hot chocolate And talking randomly. Today They spend Whole day with their friends and then they left them alone For Now Manik and Nandu Are Laying On their bed Manik with his head on her chest laying between her legs hus arms around her waist while her arms around his shoulder with one hand creasing his back and with other Playing with his hairs.

Nan: Baby You said You didn't kill anyone When we play that truth and truth.

Ma: yeah Jaan I said Truth only.

Nan: That means That Bastard is alive.

Ma: No.

Nan: Means What  happened to him?

Ma: Woh........

Warning ⚠️ Its very brutal if you are not comfortable don't read this.

Manik enters a place that looks like some kind of godown There are Well built Man Roaming around With their guns.

Jake Manik's most trusted bodyguard greets him.

Ja: Hello Sir.

Ma: Hello Jake Where is he? I am sure he is getting the required treatment.

Ja: Yes he us getting his treatment Come i will take you to him.

Jake take Manik in a room Where He was Laying on the ice platform With hid hands and legs tied He is fully naked.He Has bleeding alot. Two Men were beating him With Hunter he was shouting in pain. seeing Manik both stop And Manik look at him with so much rage.

Ma: Did you feel the pain Did you feel the intense pain.

Vik: Mujhe Maff Kar do But It was mot my mistake she gave me wrong signal one time she smiled looking at me. i thought she love me and she was just being too difficult to get All the girl do this.

Manik didn't answer he just took the salt packet and pour it on his body and then rub it on his chest he had injuries all over his body.

Ma: you Still Blaming her bloody Moron where is it written that if the gurl smile looking at you she is interested in you and if she is showing you your limits she is being difficult. How Dare you to touch her without her permission if she is saying don't touch her how dare you.

Vikram was screaming in pain.

Ma: If you have a That Bloody Dick Its doesn't mean You can ruin any Girl's life It doesn't make you Man You Manwhore Your This Bloody organ give you no Right to Snatch a girl's dream her life Her everything from her.

Manik forward his hand jake put a syringe with some liquid in that he ruthless inject it on his dick making him shout the loudest in pain.

Vik: Leave Me Please leave me Please.Stop Please stop.

Ma: Why should I stop did you stop Woh Toh She was My Jaan she didn't get afraid of you If she would be any other girl if she would say this would you stop No Na.Then Why should I stop.

Vikram was screaming in pain that injection made his dick very very sensitive even a single touch on it can hurt like hell.

Manik signal jake something jake went out and come with a bottle and give manik gloves which he wears.and the took the bottle from him and came towards Vikram and held his mouth in his hand.

Ma: Inhi Honthoon say chua tha na meir jaan ko (With these lios you touched my Jaan) These Lips make her felt disgusted Let me clean these dirty lips.

Manik pours the acid on his lips making him shout in immense pain.His lips get brutally burned with acid his jaw was showing his cheeks was burned also.He was yelling in pain not being able to handle this much pain he get uncouncious.

Manik signal jake and he came back with the doctor who gave an injection to him.

Manik pour Boiled water on his mouth and he get conscious and felt More pain becoz of boiling water. His eyes were burning.

Ma: With these eyes you see My Jaan i the worst manner Na.

He pour more boiling water on his face making his face hurt like hell becoz of acid and then boiling water.

Then he pour the acid on his hands. Making him Beg for death.

Vik: Please Kill Me Please Kill me already.

Ma: No No Its not even started yet Mr You have to know How bad it is to see any gurl like that Your this pain is nothing in front of what a girl went through when A random Dickhead Touch her with those intentions what she went through when some one rape her what she went through when she listen her people taunting her and her parents what she went through when all her dreams All her life's hard work effort matter nothing when no one is there to say it was not your fault when No one is there for her To stand by her when she bear the gaze of every other Man like she is some piece of meat like.Your One Night pleasure Destroy a family Becoz of your Stupid hormones becoz you can't put you dick in your pants.

Manik took the hunter and beat it on hus dick on his burning hands his burning lips.

Vikram was just begging him to kill him and he was not ready at all. At last he pour the acid on his dick burning it making him stop his breath for a moment and scream the loudest with the intensity of the pain.

Ma: Did You see how much of a baby I am Manik Malhotra Is A Baby Only for His Jaan and kind For his family only Other wise he is a Monster And if you try to mess with the MONSTER You would definitely see the Ruthless Devil.

Vik: Please I beg You To kill me Please Ahhhhhhh.

He was screaming in pain with the pain.

Manik give the acid to jake and took his gloves off.

Ma: Untie Him and leave him after some time.

It was morning when manik leave from there.He reach hime and Get Shower and then Call Nandu ask her to come home he disconnect the call when jake called him.

Ma: Yes Jake.

Ja: Sir I want to inform you that he committed suicide I releases him and he was begging me to kill him I kick him and was about to leave he took my pocket knife and cut his throat and died.

Ma: Oh Okay Just Burn that body.

He cuts the call and lay on the bed.
Flashback ends

Nan: Where did you get lost baby Is he alive or not?

Ma: No he Committed Sucide.

Nan: your torture was that bad.

Ma: he tried to snatch you away from me My breath my life from me He had to pay for it Don't worry I didn't do much with him.

Nan: I know You My Monster Baby.

Manik pout Nandu chuckle and peck his pout and she close his eyes and he smile knowing what's going to happen she took her top and bra out and out his nipple in his mouth and he starts sucking his milk while Nandu Crease hus back and keep playing with his hairs.

Short update I know didn't had anything in mind for now.

Hope you guyz like this❤️.

I wanna Ask You guyz If you want to see any track or you want to see Nandini pregnancy track Let Me know☺️

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