Chapter 27-Divine Intervention

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picking up where we left off.

this is the 3rd time I have come to write this so hopefully my computer doesn't decide to be a fuck up AGAIN.

its a hp windows 8 I have no idea why it acts so stupid im so pissed.


Kendall's POV:

"Don't drop me. Don't drop me. Don't drop me. Don't drop me." I kept saying to him while he was basically running up the steps to his room.

I was thrown onto the bed while he sat in the chair at his desk in the corner of his room.

He glanced at my luggage that was sat by his dresser.

"I see you found my room alright then..." He said not looking at me.

"I could tell by how it looked and by the clothes in the closet it was yours." I replied back to him, sitting up against the head board.

"Hm. cool." he replied turning around in his chair to open his laptop.

Why was he being so distant and giving me the cold shoulder now?

"What's up your ass tonight Harry?" I asked him staying in place.

"Excuse me? Up my ass? You're the one that's keeping secrets about some crazy drug!" He said turning to face me in his chair raising his voice.

"Crazy drug?! I'm not on drugs! Its a medicine I take to help me sleep!" I yelled back defending myself.

"HELP YOU SLEEP?!.... BULL. SHIT. You have never had problems before! now you just automatically do?! Niall is just fine! Niall doesn't have to take any kind of medicine!" He said standing up now, yelling at me at, loud enough to where I know the rest of the boys could hear us now from downstairs.

"Just because Niall isn't on anything doesn't mean that I cant be! We're not the same exact person Harry! And Its not like I CHOSE to be on this stupid shit! I hate it! I hate it a lot! It has made me act different towards everyone and I feel like I'm losing every body that matters the most to me in my life! LIKE THIS NOW! We are fighting over something that you don't even know what it is!!" I said standing up also, but keeping distance between us.

"YOU'RE NOT LOSING ANYONE! YOU SOUND SO STUPID RIGHT NOW KENDALL!" Harry shouted back, face bright red and his voice deep.

I stood there, I didn't expect it to turn into this. It's just a damn medicine

"I... I don't." Is all I could say.

"You DONT?! You 'DONT' WHAT?!" He yelled back, face still red.

"I don't sound stupid! You just don't know the whole story!" I yelled back getting teary eyed.

I didn't want to fight with him. Whenever I did, I had to sleep with Niall. And whenever that happens, I end up crying to him all night and ruining his pillow cases with tear stains and then I feel bad about it while he makes fun of me for feeling bad about some damn pillow cases. Sibling love at its finest.

"GOD DAMNIT JUST KENDALL SHUT UP! I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT MEDICINE YOU'RE ON!" He said pulling out one of the bottles with my anti-depressant in it.

"How do you have that? When did you go through my stuff Harry?!" I said getting pissed off going to reach for the bottle back before he stuck his arm out to lightly push me back.

"Your phone kept going off like crazy on the plane, so I reached in your bag to turn it off, when I saw a bright yellow prescription bottle I became a little worried. I read what it was, why its prescribed to you, and how many mg it has in it."

I was about to yell at him for going through my stuff until he continued.

"I took it because I think being on a drug for depression is the last thing that should be happening! Who in the HELL gives drugs to someone with depression?!" He said looking at the bottle, then me, then the bottle again. He seemed a tad calmer, but he was obviously still angry with me, and he raised his voice still.

"Why do you even care Harry?" I said reaching for the bottle again but he put his arm behind his back. I stopped trying and crossed my arms. His mouth dropped while laughed sarcastically.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" He screamed again.

"STOP YELLING AT ME!" I shouted back at him.

I had a feeling the guys were at the steps listening and I think harry realized it too when he took a breath to calm down and lower his voice.

"I care. I care because, you are my best friend.. My best friends sister... My girlfriend. I care about you. I want to make sure you are alright all 24 hours out of the 7 days a week. I want you to be healthy and laughing and I always want you to be the Kendall that I know and that I fell in love with. I never knew something was wrong with you. I am mad and upset because you never told me and that makes me feel like you can't trust me. And when I love you and care so much about you and want you to be safe at all hours of the day, it sucks to know that I am not doing my job" he stopped to shake the bottle a few times causing it to rattle while he made his point, then he continued. "My job to make sure you're okay and it sucks that you couldn't just tell me." He finished with tears falling down his cheeks and just starred at me.

I stood there dumb founded. I know Harry cares about me but I never knew he did this much.

Harry sat the bottle down on the desk and walked towards where I was standing, wrapping his big arms around me into a hug. He rested his head on mine, and just stood there for what seemed like forever. Finally he spoke up, but still stayed in his position.

"Im sorry I went through your bag and I'm sorry I didn't even bother to hear what you had to say. I know it's a anti-depressant and I won't ask why exactly you're on it, but just please trust me Kendall. Just trust me, okay? That's all I ask." Harry said to me, his voice weak and shaky. I felt his warm tears falling onto my head while he took a deep breath in and out and let go of me.

"I can sleep in the guest room tonight if you're upset with me. You have the full right to be..." He said taking a few steps back before stopping.

"Harry... I am not mad or anything at you what so ever. You're sleeping in here tonight. With me. Thanks for the consideration to me and what I am taking, I understand why you got angry and I get it, just next time try to see it all from someone else's view , okay babe?" I said now standing in front of him with on hand on his chest, the other on the back of his neck.

He seemed surprised at how calm I was. I just don't feel like its worth us arguing over it any further. He knows I have depression now, and so do probably the rest of the boys, and that's fine. I needed them to know anyways.

Harry nodded at my tip for him and he leaned down to give me a slow and meaningful kiss, stopping to rest his forehead on mine.









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