A/N - I Missed You

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After a long hiatus, I'm ready to be back to writing as I did during the pandemic. If you've read one of my previous works, Hi! Welcome back! It is so lovely to see you again! 

And if you are new here, then hello! My name is Potatocake and I hope you enjoy this story as well as more to come. 

This is a rewritten version of the original "Bang and Burn" story. While I am proud of what I wrote, reflecting on my work shows me that there are many changes I would've loved to have made. Here are a few of the changes I'm making going forward: 

1) A New story! - While the characters remain the same as well as a few story beats, overall there will be a new story. New bad guys, new relationships, and new locations, all of which will make this version feel like a brand new story!

2) NO OC's - In the original story, I allowed reader-submitted OC's. I will not be repeating that this time because I felt limited with what I could make them say or do. On top of that, many of the OC's from the original story were submitted by people I no longer am in contact with, so it makes many of the story's scenes feel empty for me to read. To avoid this going forward, I will not be taking any user-submitted OC's.

3) A New Discord Server - As some of my previous readers may remember, I had an old server that gave my readers a safe place to chat, make friends, and talk about the story if they chose to do so. By the time this is published, I will have created and started a new discord server for new and old readers alike so that we can continue enjoying the community you all have helped create.

Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/j8gknZKFhR

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy! I will try to respond to any questions you may have for me and I hope to see you on the server soon! 

<3 Potatocake

Bang and Burn: Rewritten {Dreamnotfound & Skephalo}Where stories live. Discover now