Act I. 𓁹 2. Weirdmaggedon

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"Well well well! Look who it is harboring stripped freak! We meet again Alastor—"

"Do I know you?"

"Oh! Yes you do! And this time, I have the element of... surprise!" He was about to blast us with a weird weapon.

Alastor simply snapped his fingers to make a huge portal appear from the floor and tentacles dragging the whole thing down. The ship exploded while Alastor only smiled widely.

Well, he's powerful. Of course, not as powerful as I am but that's alright.

"Well I'm starved! Who wants some Jambalaya!? My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya!"


"So... we know who this freak right here is" Cross Mark pointed at Alastor, "but who the hell are you?" She pointed at me.

"Didn't I say already?"

"Yeah we know your name is [Y/n] Cipher—as weird as that is—but how long have you been in hell, why are you here, what was your cause of death?"

"Ah! Well I might as well give you a thorough introduction" I stand up smile widely, "Name's [Y/n] Cipher! And I arrived to this hell just yesterday! I am here because I made a deal with sweet little princess here, and I have no cause of death for I was always a demon!"

Everyone stared at me for a second, "YOU DID WHAT!? Charlie! I thought we agreed on no deals!"

"It was before we agreed! She appeared and asked for assistance and I—"

"Can anyone just concentrate on the part where she said she was ALWAYS a demon!?" Angel Dust intervened.

"I am quite curious about that part as well" Alastor says.

"Let me just give you some background info!" I snapped my fingers to transform back into my triangle form.

"Woah!" Angel Dust exclaims.

I made so that my eye was like a screen for everyone to have a visual representation.

"I used to like in the second dimension! Flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams... I liberated my dimension!" I demonstrate a burning world, "I wanted to liberate another one, to call my own and rule over."

"I was so close to getting what I want!" I demonstrated a scene of the Weirdmaggedon, "but two idiotic children and their uncles tricked me almost erasing me!"

"Luckily, I was able to be transported into this dimension before I was erased and I am planning to regain my position of power in this Hell! To do so, I shall claim some territory and destroy anyone in my way!"

"..." There was a moment of silence.

"You're an inter dimensional demon...?" Vaggie muttered.

"Indeed! I am also known as the Dream Demon" I snap my fingers to return to my previous form.

"Ah! I knew there was something special about you, my dear!" Alastor brings a hand around me to pull me closer.

"Well, I was actually considering on takings you as a friend and an ally!" I smile back at him, "after all... both of us can't seem to stand boredom."

"That is for sure my dear!"

"Well, do you know any territory I can claim?"

"Hmm... I know of a certain place..."

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

"Uh... aren't you two going to sleep?" Angel Dust questioned.

"Hahahaha! I don't require sleep, fluff ball!" I responded.

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