Snow on the Beach

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A/n- Do you guys mind the length of each chapter? They're so long because I have so many characters to write, but I can always make more and shorter chapters!


Alejandro groaned, resting his forehead against his work desk. Diplomacy school was draining the life out of him. Three more months and I get a break, he reminded himself—just three more. Before sitting back up, he banged his head on the desk several times.

"Jodidamente estúpido trabajo que consume mucho tiempo" (Fucking stupid time-consuming work), he muttered.

Alejandro spent a grand total of three minutes before getting up to stretch and grab a snack. He took a red apple from the refrigerator and munched into it, indulging in the fresh and juicy taste.

He dug in his back pocket for his phone. Scrolling through the news, he halted when he saw a picture of Heather walking somewhere in the city. She wore a giant black turtleneck sweater with cream-colored corduroys. Her hair was fixed up in a messy bun. The article heading read: "Toronto's famous model, Heather Wilson, pregnant?"

"¿Qué?" Alejandro continued biting his apple while he clicked on the search result and skimmed through the news story that looked more like a prodigious college essay from far away. How much can one possibly write about a simple picture of mi amor on the street? He thought.

Alejandro read a paragraph in the middle. "This hot Canadian model has recently been spotted wearing this sweatshirt in public. Her stomach looks rather inflated here! Could she be carrying a little bundle of joy? It's a good thing she and her super sexy boyfriend, Alejandro Burromuerto (yes, that's his real last name), are still together. Does that mean a big wedding is in store for us soon? The possibilities are endless!"

Alejandro scowled at their jab toward his last name. He was so hung up on that, that he almost forgot about the article's main subject: Heather's possible pregnancy.

As expected, Alejandro was worried. His palms sweated as he clicked on his girlfriend's contact. Within two rings, Heather answered.

"Hey, is everything ok?"

"Sí. I mean—I hope so. I saw an article online about you, amor," said Alejandro.

Heather made an irked noise and heaved a sigh, "What did it say?"

"I just wanted to know if you are...with child?" He bounced his legs nervously.


"What do you think?" She answered.

"I don't know! They showed a picture of you in a sweatshirt, and it looked kind of like a pregnant belly!"

"No, Alejandro. I'm not fucking pregnant," Heather said. "What kind of website did you get that from? Photoshop central?"

"No! It's on the main news!" Alejandro told her.

"We've always used condoms and birth control. Our chances are pretty low."

"But not impossible! I was just worried, amor," he whined.

"Well, don't worry because I'd tell you if I was pregnant," said Heather.

"I know," he frowned. "Sorry, I got caught up in the panic."

"—What picture is it?"

Alejandro put Heather on speakerphone and switched his screen to the news. "You're wearing a black sweater. You look gorgeous as ever."

"Why did I look pregnant?" She asked, a fragment of anxiety in her voice. "Have I gained weight?"

"No, mi reina, not at all." Alejandro squinted and zoomed up on the photo. "Now that I see it again, it looks like the wind's blowing your shirt."

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