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"You fucking liar!" Sade yelled, shoving her boyfriend, who was now her ex, into the wall behind him. "You fucking liar, I fucking hate you?! In my fucking house? Are you kidding me? Get your shit, and get out -"

"My shit?!" He shouted back, laughing as she broke out into a fit of sobs. "You forgot both of our names are on the lease, huh?"

Sade shook her head, running a hand through her hair as she watched the woman he decided to put before her walk out of their room with a confused look on her face. "Why is your sister here?"


The girl looked at Sade, nodding as if it was the truth. "Yeah. He's shown me pictures of you. Get a grip, bitch."

"Wow..." Sade grinned, shaking her head as tears began to fall down her face. "You know what? Keep this shit. I...I-I can't keep hurting myself over you."

Another cry left her lips and for the first time, her boyfriend finally started to feel guilty. After all of the lies he's told her, all the nasty things said about her to her friends and family...now he feels guilty because she's finally choosing to leave.

"You're joking, right?" He asked, scoffing as he watched her gather her things. She grabbed her car keys, her purse, her coat and her phone, making a promise to herself that she would get the rest of her things later. "Sade. Where the fuck are you going?"

"Out," Sade huffed, wiping her face weakly. "Just like you said right before you stuck your dick in that bitch."

Sade groaned at the sudden flashback, wondering why she was still thinking about him, even with the strong ass drinks she bought to help her forget. Three rounds of salted margaritas, a shot of Hennessy and gin and tonic...it was all suddenly tasting so good to her. A few tears slipped from her eyes as they glided over the heads covering the dance floor. She was at one of the safest places she could be in, or at least that's how she felt. At the young age of twenty-seven, she swore to herself that she would go clubbing every weekend, and she would do it because she would be able to afford it.

And boy was she right.

It was almost a ritual to go to her favorite spot now; Club Bliss. The air felt so clean because of the upgraded ventilation. There were security guards everywhere, but they really only acted when needed. The people allowed inside had such good energy and her vibration was definitely higher when she was there. She didn't plan for her appearance at the club to be so consistent, but she kind of owed it to herself. She's done so much good and took care of her shit; why not celebrate? The majority of the people there knew her by face, and a few of them came up to ask her why she was there on a Monday. Nonetheless, she found herself brushing off everyone's questions and basking in the feeling of being surrounded by so much intimacy. There were mostly couples on the floor; the DJ set the tone of the environment with some baby-making music, and a lot of people were sneaking out of the club or to the bathroom.

"Get some for me too!" She shouted over the music, though the couple she was talking to were too incapacitated to hear her.

"Who are you talking to?"

Sade whipped around and she jumped when she saw someone leaning against the bar right next to her. He was a little too close for her comfort, but his face definitely made up for it. "Who the fuck.."

"Sorry," the man chuckled, giving Sade a warm smile. "I came to ask you a question but you started shouting, and now I don't remember my question. That doesn't matter, though. I'm Laurent."

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