Chapter 10. ☀️Sunshroom☀️

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I wake up again. Where am I? I'm covered in blue power. I'm not tied to a chair anymore...I stand up and start to dust myself, I look around, my eyes are still adjusting but it's bright...I know for sure...and the air smells like sweet lavender...that's a lovely smell. I breathe in and out wanting to savor that wonderful smell. It reminds me of when I was still a florist.
My eyes finally adjust and I check my surroundings, there was lots of valleys filled with flower beds and small hills, this is like the place when he was traveling. I start to tear up, oh I can't take this, I miss this flower bed, I miss my past life, but I can't live in the painful past. Is this a trip down memory lan wot something? Is this the next challenge?

I start walking among the rocky path I had once did in the past, the same stones me and my brothers painted, and the same little holes that's hidden well, it's all here...I can feel myself breaking down, how did I get back here? How did I get back to the place that gave me both painful and pleasant memories?

None of this makes sense. I keep walking among the path, the small creek is even still here, does that mean..?

I start sprinting along the path I didn't care if I tripped and scratched myself I just needed to get to that one place.

I breathe heavily looking at a cottage covered in vegetation like vines, moss, and flowers I fall to my knees and I start sobbing.

I can't believe it.

A voice says in the cottage.

I jump at hearing my deadname. But...that voice is so soothing and familiar, a lady with brown long hair comes out of the cottage she had curly hair and freckles, and she wore a sunflower dress.

I can't help but cry even more, she's really here.

"Oh Jackson..what's wrong baby? Did you scrape your chin?"
My mum approached me with his soft emerald green's really her, but why is she here? She died. This is too good to be true...

"Come inside so we can have some supper Jackson, I'll also get you something to clean that chin. Mommy is here don't worry now.."
My mum hugs me and rubs my back, I hug her back and start crying more.

" are you here?"
I ask, my voice is all high pitched in wobbly but I'm too happy to even care.

"I've always been here Jackson."
She replies pulling away and placing a hand on my chest over my heart.

"I-I don't understand.."
I say, I mean I'm sure I do but how?

"I'll tell you everything. But quickly now before your father finds you."
My mum says and she leads me into the cottage, she has her famous mushroom stew on the table where I take a seat and look at it.

" connects us in nature."
I chuckle remembering what my mum had told me and my brothers whenever we got into a stupid fight.

"You still remembered...I'm so proud of you Jackson."
She smiles softly.

"Oh mum, I don't know what to do, why is everything so hard?"
I ask sobbing more.

"Shhhh...shhh..there there my baby..."
She tries to soothe me as she rubs my back in comfort.

"Eat your stew and you'll feel better okay hun?"
She says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I nod and eat the mushroom stew, it tastes just like when mum was still alive. Well she's here with me so is she alive? Or am I dead? I don't know...

"You have to listen to me Joocie."
She says my preferred name.

"I'm listening mum."
I say.

"No matter what happens you look after your brothers, you need to protect the sunshroom, if you protect him then he will protect you."
She says. I tilt my head in confusion.

"What's a Sunshroom or rather who is that mum?"
I ask.

"Someone very close to you. He needs you as a guidance. You have to help him, he could lose control and you and Zackery are the and Socks."
She changes her sentence at the end a bit.

I ask tearing up again, my mum places a hand on my cheek.

"You're the weather, Socks is the shelter. And Blaza is the butterfly. You all need to balance each other out. I can't stay here any longer Joocie...I love you very much."
She chuckles and gives me a gentle kiss on the head and hugs me, I hug her back closing my eyes.

"I love you too mum."
I say, and when I opened my eyes I'm back in the containment, lots of dark blue liquid covered my face and if these are my tears.

"Congrats. You have passed you may see your brothers now."
Meme says with a smile.

I sigh in relief and I immediately rush next to Meme once he opens the door to let me out.

"What happened?"
I ask.

"Don't worry about it."
Meme replies and pats my shoulder.

"I'll never forget this."
I sigh as I walk out the door to enter an new room with Meme to meet my brothers again...

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