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I got up and put my uniform on I can't forget the grey sweatpants and my favorite dark grey sweater which has zipper pockets.

Good thing this hoodie was on sale it's now one of my personal favorites.

I put my bobby pins, phone, two headbands, and my headphones in my pockets and zipped them up.

I grabbed some chicken I saved for Nam-ra and my archery bag since I'm going to return it after school.

Packed some water and I couldn't leave without my bucket list in my bag then made my way to school.

I came out to find On-jo and Cheong-San trying to find out who's the gopher for today.

It was On-jo and she tried to escape but failed.

Soon I saw Wu-jin "Hey Wu-jin" I called out he stopped to look around "behind you," I said he looked back and waited for me.

When I caught up we were having our casual conversation "sister-in-law and brother-in-law" said Dae-su while he got between us.

"Stop calling us that" scolded Wu-jin while I playfully hit Dea-su "Ok stop ganging up on me," said Dea-su while covering himself from my hits.

I took one of my headbands to tie my hair in a half-up half-down style.


Ji-woo was unaware of the pair of eyes that stare at her full of love.


"So when I marry Ha-ri I get to be called brother-in-law" randomly said Dea-su I rolled my eyes while he got a hit from Wu-jin.

Soon we got to school and headed to class.

We separated Dea-su and Wu-jin went with their group I went to hang out with Nam-ra.

I gave her a dollar that's shaped like a heart "I worked all night to make this perfect like you" I said putting my hand on my chest for effect.

Nam-ra lets out a small smile and takes the heart.

I hear the door open and I look at who it was.

On-jo followed by Cheong-San and a minute later Su-hyeok.

I saw he took a glance at Nam-ra.

Me being me I gave Nam-ra a look I know about her crush on him "he took a glance at you" I whispered to her giving her teasing eyes.

She rolled her eyes and put her headphone back on so I put mine on and played a random song.

Soon the teacher arrived I turned in my phone after like 20 failed attempts trying to keep it on me.

I was doodling I know we were talking about something with prejudice.

"Bare-su" I heard I knew something was going to happen so I looked up and right on time too.

"Why do yall call him Bare-su," said Ms. Park Soon Dea-su explained that he didn't like socks so he always stinks.

It boosted the class's mood I took a glance at the door to find a bloody figure.

She walked in and soon everyone was in front of the class we got her on top of Su-hyeok and On-jo, I-sak, and I volunteered to go.

We rushed to the nurse's office and put her down on a bed.

Why did Mr. Lee Byeong take her? What shot was she given? Why is she so cold?

Many questions popped up in my head I failed to realize that Hyeong-su was close to biting me luckily I-sak pulled me out of her reach.

On-jo got scratched soon the nurse managed to give her whatever she was trying to give her.

Soon the ambulance came and I made my way to class which was freaky but I can't help this gut feeling I have.

I got to class in time since the lunch bell rang and I got my bags since I'm going to return my arrow and bows after I finish eating.

So I'm in the cafeteria I see the line is long but I caught Dea-su and Wu-jin at their table so u made my way to them.

"Brother-in-law can you do me a favor" I called out with my fake innocent voice he rolled his eyes he knew I was going to ask for his food.

So he covered it I rolled my eyes and I saw Wu-jin had a mango drink but before he could react I quickly grabbed it "thank you Wu-jin" I said and did a quick getaway.

"You heard that she called me brother-in-law" Dea-su happily celebrated knowing he was teasing Wu-jin.

Since it was Wu-jin who told him he had a crush on Ji-woo since 8th grade.

"She took my juice," said Wu-jin soon Gyeong-su choked on his food "imagine having your juice stolen," he said while laughing soon Cheong-San took his.

Which earned him a glare.


I was on my way to the gym to leave my stuff when I was halfway there I heard yells.

I turned around to find a person eating another person.

I quickly took my arrow out and shot them.

"HEY ARE YOU ALRIGHT" I called out louder than expected then her bones started to pop aggressively.

The next thing I knew she was trying to eat me and I had to shoot her I quickly grabbed those arrows and put them with the rest I can't lose any right now.

I ran back to the school I meet to know if the others are alright.

I managed to grab a shovel so I won't need to use all my arrows.

It's chaos everywhere I tried finding a way in.

Dead ends everywhere I was knocked down and I quickly got up and grabbed my shovel and started to hit one of those things.

"JI-WOO" I heard a yell I looked in that direction it was Nam-ra she was safe I let out a breath forgetting I'm in the middle of a war zone.

I was let out when one of those things fell on me and I quickly put my shovel in its mouth.

I manage to push him off of me and I quickly made my way into the school.

It was worse than outside those monsters were left and right.

I tried to find Nam-ra and hope Cheong-San, Dea-su, and Wu-jin are alright but I had to stop and hide in the art room.

There are too many of those things at least I have my bags on me.

I put my waters and my bucket list in my archery bag but my issue was that some of those monsters are in the room so I had to be quiet.

Luckily it worked in my favor instead of carrying two bags I put my important things and what I had in my pockets in one bag so that takes some weight and I have this shovel too.

I hope the others are alright.

I look at my hands I just stabbed my classmates and some other random people.

A tear escapes my eye I start to feel guilty for them but I can't make any noises or I'm dead.

Is this a zombie apocalypse


"JI-WOO" yelled out Nam-ra alerting the others in the room they quickly went towards the window to see that a zombie was on top of her.

Wu-jin felt the world go in slow motion seeing Ji-woo in that situation while his safe he wanted to help her but he couldn't.

When he saw she fought back and made her way somewhere he hopes she was safe wherever she went.

"Sister-in-law you better be alright when we see each other again" mumbled Dea-su.

"She didn't have breakfast and lunch," said Cheong-San in a disappointed tone then he remembers she packed chicken so she has more of a higher chance of surviving.

Unaware that Ji-woo accidentally alerted the zombies.

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