Crash and Burn (Roll 9)

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The loud clanging kept coming from the east side. Flora then ran to the tree and pushed a small button right next to the invisible door that lead her inside her house. When she pushed the button a bow and arrow popped out with a full quiver.

(Pick which ever quiver you like)

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(Pick which ever quiver you like)

Then after grabbing her bow and quiver full of arrows Flora ran in front of Charlie and Autumn.

Pulling out an arrow and pointing it towards the loud sound of footsteps and snapping twigs. With arrow pointed straight and true, something started to appear from the woods. Firing a warning shot just to the left of the creature, a loud shriek made it to our ears.

Pulling out a new arrow super quickly and notching it. Making sure that her aim was correct, she then waited for the creature to appear so she could determine if the creature was a threat or not.

The creature finally came out of the woods and then Charlie and Autumn relaxed, but Flora was still on edge.

Charlie and Autumn visibly relax and let out a deep sigh of relief seeing their friend Luke walking closer to them. When Luke fully came into the clearing Flora slowly lowered her bow and put it on her back. Luke sighed in relief when he saw the bow and arrow get put away.

"Hey why did you leave me last night Charlie? I thought we were in this together? Also when did Autumn get here?" Luke exclaimed/questioned.

Charlie put up his hands in a kinda slow your role kinda gesture. Before answering all of his friend's questions. While they were talking Flora tried to sneak away tired of the conversation and hanging around with this many people, she only got a few feet away when Autumn noticed she was trying to sneak away.

Autumn called out to Flora saying, "Hey where are you going?"

Flora answered sarcastically, " anywhere but here, my social battery just died and if it doesn't recharge things could get scary."

Everyone took two steps back from the very annoyed looking woman.

"Now if you will excuse me I would rather not be here," Flora states trying to walk away again but unfortunately gets stopped.

"Please don't go I know now that you obviously don't like talking to people or socializing but there are so many things I still want to know," Charlie states.

Flora rolls her eyes for what feels like the millionth time that day, questioning her life decisions. After about two more seconds of just glaring at the trio she finally responds, " yeah like what? Actually don't even bother I probably won't answer I can only be kind to a point and it's about to brake!"

Charlie looks at the woman silently pleading her to stay and answer at least a few questions. The woman in question seemed to pick up on this and a slight very slight smile started creeping up on her lips. Finally giving in she said, " you get one question. One question you got that so make it a good one, because after that I am gone. Poof like I never existed. Got that!"

All three nodded in unison and then huddled together to figure out which question to ask. Once Flora made sure no one was looking she sneakily put her bow and arrow away and took out her arrow charm bracelet that could turn into a new quiver if she needed it (it was much more convenient that way).

The small group of three finally came to a conclusion and walked away to stand in a line in front of Flora. At this point Flora assumed that Charlie was the leader of their little group. Her observation rang true as Charlie spoke up, " okay our question is . . ."

Authors note
Cliffhanger muh ha ha lol I finally kinda feel like writing a little bit so there will probably be updates soon no guarantees when they will be, and honestly I'm not even sure if anyone actually reads this but I feel like this book has a lot of potential so I'm going to try and stick with it. Thank you to those who actually read it please leave comments or suggestions it helps me know if I have people that want to see more out of this story.
Thank you
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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