Where it all Began pt.2

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OK, guys, next week will be pretty busy because I have exams, but I'll see when I can update next. So if you have any information that you think might help with this story you can either message me or put it in the comments I'll be happy to have it but please don't go out of your way to research. Also, a quick little poll right here if we like angst or not vote below enjoy this chapter, and thank you. (Quick disclaimer: The video above is from 2018, so a year after they met and won gold on the U16 team which was back in 2017)

Angst or No?

Paige POV

"So you guys won gold, what happened next?" The interviewer for SLAM magazine asks us.

"So we flew back to Minnesota, Azzi was visiting her grandparents and I was going back home," I say.

Flashback to right after winning gold

"Hey, Azzi! I can't believe we did it!" I run over to her excitedly.

"I know right? I kinda wish this summer would never end!" She says wistfully.

"I know I'm going back to Minnesota but maybe you'll visit sometime?" I question hopefully.

"I really want to! Wait, how about I ask my parents to go to Minnesota with you as a visit for my grandparents?" She suggests.

"Really! You would do that? Ugh, that would be so cool! we could hang out together work out and do some shooting practice!" I imagine.

She ran to go ask our parents, they say yes after seeing how close we got over the summer.

"Paige! They said yes!" She runs back over to where I was standing.

"We should get seats next to each other!" I exclaim.

End of flashback

"Yeah, I mean, when you sit alone on a plane next to Azzi, it's just a whole lot of chattin', so I kinda sorta entertained it and I think our friendship sort of bonded from there," I say.

"I guess, that's not how I remember," Azzi responds while laughing. "I remember I was really shy, so when we were on the plane, I was kind of forced to talk to her. But then when we got back with my grandparents, she was just with us a lot. We would go to the gym. I had, like, a new workout partner, and I loved working out with her. Then from there, she just tagged along with my family. She was a part of us.

Alrighty, I think that we need 2 more chapters, to sum up, the story, them playing in AAU, quarantining together in 2020, and playing at UCONN. Please don't count on another update next week because of exams! Oh! before I forget, THANK YOU, GUYS, SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE THIS BOOK HAS BEEN RECEIVING!!!!! AND TO THOSE WHO VOTED AND OR ADDED THIS BOOK TO A READING LIST, I REALLY REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT!! If I had the time, I would personally message everyone who read this but I don't. So keep giving this book love, share it, and we'll see where it takes us!


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