You're Stayin'

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Chapter Six


I try and fail to flex my fingers back and forth. Getting old is a bitch. My burner rings and I growl in irritation when my hands won't work with me.

" Yeah? " I say when I finally get the damn thing to open.

Just checking in.

" Yeah, I got held up I'll be there soon, brother. " I say before hanging up.

I'm running late. My old lady wanted to make sure I head out with a full stomach today. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, and some strong coffee.

She wants something money can't buy I just know it.

" Sassi has really been helping me out this last week... " She throws out as she gets dressed for the day. " The garage has never been so organized and the bitches have never been more on their best behavior. "

And there it is. Damn, I'm good. " That's good, baby. "

" Maybe you should call Jury... " She says before getting up and making her way behind me. " See if we can't make her a more permanent space here in Charming for her. "

Pulling her leg a little I ask, " Why would I do that "?

" Because she knows what she's doing. When I leave the lot I don't have to worry about if things are getting done while I'm away. " She says while sliding her hands down my pecks in search of my cock in the way she knows drives me wild. " And I know a certain killer that has his eyes on her. "

Jesus fucking Christ. Little miss Match Maker has her sights set. " Happy doesn't need to be getting sidetracked by pussy. I don't care if she is my goddaughter. "

" Happy is still SAMTAC. He won't be here that often... There is no dulling his edge you should know that, baby. You know, Reese is a good girl. She has been around MCs her whole life she knows the deal. Besides, I think having her closer will work out for everyone. Including our Tigger. You know how hard that drunk bitch of an ex-wife makes it to see the twins. "

Coming around, she gets on her knees and undoes my fly before pulling me out and swirling her tongue over the head. I know what she's doing but at the moment, I'm powerless to stop it.

" Fuck, yes. " I gasp as her sweet lips wrap around and apply suction.

She hmms and my mind goes blank. My toes curl I know that I'm about to agree to whatever it is that she wants. Grabbing the back of her head I thrust up a few times before emptying my balls down her throat while simultaneously shaking.

" I'll bring it to a vote. We don't like asking Jury for too many favors. " I growl without thinking like she knew I would.

After swallowing she gets back up and gives me a smirk. " That's all I'm asking for baby. I'm going to head over to TM. Join me when you recover. "

Smart bitch. I can't blame her for wanting some competent help. With Bobby doing what he can on top of his club duties, the actual business aspect of the club falls on her shoulders. I can't lie and say having another strong woman around to keep the Crow Eaters and Sweet Butts in check doesn't sound good as well.

Sighing I dial the number.

Hello, brother.

" Jury, how are things? " I ask getting that piece of formality out of the way.

Better than ever, but I'm guessing that's not why you're calling.

He was never one to beat around the bush. " Yeah... I'm actually calling about Sassi. "

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