Day 1: Period 1

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Victor was nervous as he walked through the halls of the prestigious Oletus High School. It was his first day as a transfer student, and he didn't know anyone. He had heard stories about how difficult it was to make friends here, and he hoped he wouldn't end up like the other new kids who had to eat alone at lunch.

He checked his schedule again, making sure he knew where he was going for his first class. It was English, and he had never been very good at the class. He sighed and took a deep breath, hoping for the best.

As he entered the classroom, he noticed that there were already several students seated, chatting and laughing with one another. He felt a pang of jealousy, wishing he could be a part of their group.

Suddenly, the classroom fell silent as the teacher walked in. She introduced herself as Ms. Claude and began taking attendance. Victor nervously raised his hand when his name was called.

Ms. Claude went on to explain the course syllabus and what they would be covering in the upcoming weeks. Victor tried his best to listen and take notes, but his mind kept wandering.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a boy sitting behind him, holding out a piece of paper.

"Hey, I'm Eli," the boy whispered. "I noticed you didn't have a pen, so here you go."

Victor smiled gratefully and took the pen. "Thanks," he whispered back. Victor continued to work quietly until the bell finally rang.

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