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Felix's POV

The next day I was playing a game on my pc when I got hungry. I leave the gaming room to ask Sean if i should order some food, only to find that Sean wasn't in the guest room, or anywhere in the house for that matter. I found a note sitting on the coffee table in the living room and picked it up.

Went to go get some groceries, be back in a bit!
-Irish spud

I smiled softly at the nickname he gave himself. I let out a sigh as I crashed onto the couch. Maybe I'll make a video today. Or at least a twitter post or something. At least to let everyone know that I was alive.

I look around the quiet house until my eyes land on a hoodie sitting on the couch next to me. Seans hoodie. I stared at it for a good couple of seconds. Something about it lured me in. Finally I grab it. It was soft, and a little heavy. But that's not what I cared about. There was a small hint of the cologne he uses coming off of it. I slowly brought it closer to my face until I could smell more than just his cologne. There was the scent of...him. I blushed as I pulled it away. This was...weird. I shouldn't be doing this. And yet, I found myself laying down on the couch, cuddling Seans hoodie. I closed my eyes, and for the next few minutes I just took in its scent. His scent.
Before I could stop myself, I was fast asleep.


Seans POV

I walk up the driveway carrying all the grocery bags with all me Irish strength and the will of only making one trip. With a bit of effort I get the door open and carry the bags into the kitchen. I unload them all onto the counter with a sigh. "Honey, I'm home!" I call throughout the house with a smirk on my face. I turn around and freeze in place when I see Felix asleep on the couch. "Oh" I whisper to myself. I put the groceries away as quietly as I could manage, even though I was pretty sure by now that Felix could sleep through a train reck. After everything was put away I started making dinner. I scrolled through my phone here and there as I waited for the food to cook.

When the food was done and the table was set, I quietly made my way to the livingroom. "Felix" I whispered. "Dinner is re-" I stop mid sentence when I noticed something. Felix was curled up in a ball, with my hoodie in his arms. I blushed at the adorable sight. But, why would he want to cuddle my hoodie? Maybe he was just cold? Yeah...that seems reasonable...

"Fee" I spoke softly as I shook his shoulder. He awoke from the physical touch with a sharp inhale and wide eyes. "Woah, hey you're okay" I told him. "It's just me". He looked around, up at me, then down at the hoodie.

"Oh-" he let go of it and quickly sat up. "Um, hey, what's up?"

"Dinner is ready" I said.

"Oh...o-okay" he sat up and followed me to the table.

It was quiet between us as we ate. Wether it was awkward or not I couldn't tell. I mean, it wasn't really a big deal. Just a hoodie. My hoodie, that he was...cuddling. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat.

"I'm sorry" Felix mumbled out of the blue.

"Hm?" I asked looking up at him.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked before...you know"

"Oh...the hoodie? hey it's no biggie" I brushed it off. "Besides, you looked...adorable with it".

"Wha- did not!" Felix said blushing like mad.

"Did toooo!" I teased.

"Did not and that is final!"

"Nope. You're cute. Cuz I said so"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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