Chapter 4

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??? Pov

I watched the two women walk back over to the coffee shop I was in. At this point, I was working on things that needed to be done. It felt nice to be in town.

I was familiar with the Mayor's routine of this.

They walked in and past me. The smell of vanilla brushed my nose as y/n walked by. She was fascinating..

They sat at the booth in front of me as if they wanted me to eavesdrop. I looked back down at my laptop when y/n looked around the cafe. I didn't want to be noticed in any other way than my odd appearance.

Y/n's pov

Waite ordered a coffee and a cake pop for me. I assumed she got it for me since she didn't know if I drank coffee or not.

The waiter brought over a pitcher of creamer along with her work smile.

"Y/n, have you ever heard of a story about Slenderman?" Weird way to start I convo I thought.

"Slenderman? Like the tall white man?"

"Y- I mean, I guess he is tall and white." After she said that, the man behind us let out a loud cough. I didn't bother to look at him to avoid possible eye contact or embarrassment.

"Uhm. What about him? Does he live in your forest~" I teased it but she just stared at me blankly. I froze at the realization and she watched me grow pale.

"I just wanted to warn you about it. Or him. You seem like a very organized person so I imagine you take walks in your backyard." Weird...

"Are you stalking me?" She laughed and shook her head.

"That's what I do."

"Oh. Makes sense."

"But seriously. If you see him, there's a good chance you're getting close to his home. He's friendly, I swear. Just not during mating season." I laughed that off sheepishly.

"Sounds like a normal animal to me." She smiled at me before it got wiped off when she drank her coffee. I looked down at the cake pop and sighed. "So you can wonder as much as you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like he won't get tired of you?" She stared at me again and shrugged.

"I suppose. Everyone, well whoever has seen him, was too scared to ever go into the forest again."


"To be honest, all those who have seen him are the elders of this town now. It's been awhile. Maybe he just got tired. Or retired." I nodded and played with my fingers. I looked out the window and saw children running around in uniforms.

"Has your mother ever seen him?"

"Believe me, I asked. But she refuses to answer." Waite finished her coffee and sighed. "It's fun to think about. And it's the main reason why we get tourists."

I smiled. Our meeting ended there once she left to finish decorating her town. I couldn't tell if I should be scared or relieved. I looked at the cake pop, still in front of me, and I ate it in one bite before throwing away the stick. I headed back home and took a quick nap. Which lasted till morning.


It was now Friday. I was walking home from the bus stop when I looked deep into the forest. The trees were still green but slowly transitioning to warm colors. It looked like a big salad.

Since it was still pretty early, I decided to get answers from the Slenderman himself if I could.

I did my routine for exploration and headed out. The sound of crunching underneath my feet filled my ears along with the sound of wind blowing. I sighed and sat against a tree, hoping he would come to me. After a bit, I stood up again and kept wandering.

??? Pov

To escape the pressures of my home, I went for a walk. Which turned into a hunt. The lovely scent of vanilla hit my nose again and I looked around before seeing a (f/c) sweater wandering around. Y/n...

I crept behind as many trees as I could. The leaves were falling too fast for my liking.

Y/n's pov

I kicked piles of leaves as I walked around, now bored. Every little sound startled me.

I walked in circles around a tree at one point.

When I heard a twig crack, I whipped my head to look in that direction. The silence became loud.

I kept looking until my eyes saw it. Or him. As soon as I made out his body, he disappeared. I smacked my teeth and sat down again before hearing another swoosh.

I froze before looking behind me, seeing the entity. Just by sitting down, he looked like a building.

My thoughts were interrupted when I realized who was behind me. My eyes lit with fear as I stood up to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm y/n." He stood a good 2 feet taller than me. "I was wondering if I could talk to you a little."

"You shouldn't be here." I looked up to where his eyes should be. His voice was a little deep and stern.

"I know, but I just wanted to ask you something."

"Do I look like the type of being to take questions?" He started circling me and I instantly regret this decision.

"There's nothing to really judge off of you in all honesty. So no." Oops.

He whipped his head to look at me and confusion was visible in the features you could see on his head. He turned back to face the town and I sighed.

"What was it you wanted to ask me?"

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