part 11

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Time skip...

Jk and yn were drunk and unconscious.

yn: Do you know something jk ?
jk: How would I know without you telling me. yn:ooh, I just said it to start a conversation. jk : aah tell me what the matter is.
yn :yha I don't like our CEO very much.
jk: Actually I don't like it either.

They hit hifi.

yn: Do you know why?
jk nodded like he doesn't know.

yn: Because he has tried to bully me at every opportunity.
yn: But lately something has changed in his character.
This promotion right now.
I really don't understand anything.

jk: I'll let you know.
yn started looking at jk suspiciously.
jk: jimin is in love with you!
yn : love my ass.
What's wrong with you, he loves me.

jk: do you have bet?
yn : ah bet.

They put their hands side by side.
After talking for a long time, they left him.

Both said good bye and left in both directions.

It was a rainy season.

yn was pissed by drunk.
Not even feet on the floor.

Suddenly it started raining.
She didn't even have an umbrella in his hand.
She walked in the rain regardless of the effect of drinking.
In a state of great joy, yn started dancing in the rain.

In a state of great joy, yn started dancing in the rain

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After the happy dance, yn reached her appartment. Without even changing her dress, she fell straight on the bed.

Next day...

yn called jk

yn: *sneezing . kookie I have a fever.
jk: How was it?
yn: Yesterday I played in the rain unconsciously.
jk: super, if you play in the rain, will you not get fever?

yn: *sneezing.
jk: Well, there is nothing wrong with you. No need for tabs.
yn : No (actually yn needs tablet)
jk: okay, there's some work here, I'll come and see you later.
yn: I came here just to inform you. If you call me now, you will get it.
jk: why?
yn I will put the phone on silent
jk: ooh so, bye.
yn: bai.

At office

Jimin came up to the office. As soon as he got in, he looked at his cabin.
But yn was not there
Immediately looked to see if jk was there.
But as soon as he saw JK there, Jim was relieved.

jimin pov
yn Where did you go?
What's up with her?
Let's call and see.

I don't call.
Let's ask jungkook and see.

Jimin called JK.

jk: yes sir.
jm: Are all the files clear?
jk: It is happening sir, working on.
jm: good. By the way yn went here.
jk: She has a fever.

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