Chapter 14

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The streets were wet from the rain the following morning, but it made it more fun for Lexus' driving as she drove through as many puddles as she could. Water splashing onto the pavement, road, the grass, even at one point splashing the Regalia nearly getting the men wet. In response to that, Ignis brought the hood over the car, enclosing them from any more puddle splashes from Lexus.

"I think she might be done for now, Ignis." Noctis told, who had refused to lower the roof through the half of the ride.

"Yeah, the roads are drying up here, no more splashes!" Prompto agreed.

Ignis didn't budge, "Can't be too careful." he told.

Up ahead, a tunnel was coming into view that passed through the large mountain. Lexus looked behind her and moved easing the break to ride beside the Regalia. Ignis noticed she raised her visor so he lowered the window.

"Past this tunnel should be Lestallum!" She called over her and the car's motors. "If Prompto wants some good pics, tell him to keep his camera ready!"

Ignis nodded and decided to lower the roof, finally. The boys sighed as they prepared for the wind to bluster through their hair. Lexus held the break and lagged behind the car.

"What did she say?" Gladio asked.

"She informed us the city of Lestallum should be past this tunnel, and for Prompto to take pictures on the ready." Ignis informed them, just now entering the tunnel.

Prompto oohed as he got his camera out. "It's like we're warping into another dimension!"

"Wonder where we'll end up." Noctis mused.

The sudden loud roaring engine echoed out behind them then blasted past with the sight of Lexus zooming by, doing a wheelie at full speed. Noctis and Ignis winced as they're left ear drums just enjoyed that ringing coming after. Prompto stood from the car and took as many photos of her trick as he could, before Gladio tugged him back down.

"How much more reckless could she get?" Ignis grumbled, trying to ignore the ringing in his ear.

Noctis kept moving his jaw and rubbing his ear. "Aww, getting worried over her, Iggy?" Gladio teased, earning a glare in the mirror.

"That's cute." Noctis added, getting his hearing back. Iginis was tempted to slam the breaks on the two.

Soon the tunnel came to an end, the sun shining once again as the group entered the city. The buildings were tall and the curbs were lined with cars, people walking along the sidewalks and crossing streets. Gladio stood spotting a cable car, Prompto nearly stood with him as Ignis followed Lexus to a lower parking lot. He backed the car in as Lexus parked right beside them. Lexus kicked the stand up and removed her helmet, ruffling her hair to bring its bounce back. The boys got out of the car eagerly and Lexus climbed off her bike and joined them as Noctis was complaining about the change in temperature.

"You'd be much cooler if you just took your shirt off." Gladio advised.

A look was given, as the said member was not wearing a shirt beneath his short sleeve jacket. "Like you? No way."

Gladio turned to him as they walked up the ramp. "What? Too embarrassed to show your scrawny body?"

Lexus snorted, earning a look from Ignis beside her from the sudden noise. Noctis felt his neck turn red, glaring at his shield. "Hey, I got muscle." He defended. "You just can't see it."

The falter of his defense made Gladio not suspiciously. "If you say so."

Nonetheless, the heat was noticeable among the others. Even Ignis was prompted to remove his blazer and folded it over his arm, Lexus shed her leather bike jacket hooking it on her fingers tossing it over her shoulder. She was smart to be wearing a tank top letting bare arms cool down from being trapped in the tight jacket.

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