~ Judge ~

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"Who the hell are you? You aren't involved in this so get out!" Nikumi yelled, pointing accusingly at Soma. "You've got some nerve, butting into my Shokugeki!" She yelled once again, enraged that he had the confidence to steal her Shokugeki, and nerve to even talk to you.

However Soma was Soma, so he ignored her and said: "Let's compete in your specialty with a meat dish, alright? I'll end up winning tho." He riled up Nikumi even more. However Nikumi took a breath and smiled. "Well, if I win.. you need to leave Totsuki! That's the only condition." She says, observing Soma.

"Ikumi, the condition is a little too harsh, we can-!" You were cut off when Soma placed his hand on your shoulder. "Alright, deal. However, if I win.. you need to join the Don club and contribute to the growth of this club." He says, smiling, pointing at the man with the weird haircut. You sighed, the more you tried to help the more the two ignored you.

So you simply sat upon the table in the center of the room, swinging your legs. Nikumi places her hands on her hips and smiles. "Bet, you can set the time and theme." She says, her confidence basically radiating off of her. Soma thinks for a while before saying: "Nakiri, pick a day and theme." He along with everyone in the room turn to you.

"Woah, the sudden pressure!" You dramatically say, placing a hand over your heart. Soma and Nikumi smile at your antics. You take a moment to think before holding up 3 fingers and say: "Mmm, let's see. The shokugeki, will be held.. 3 days from now!" The two nod. "And as for the theme, since this shokugeki is about the don club, the theme has to be Don!"


"And then I was like, since the shokugeki is for the Don club, the theme has to be Don!" You said, using your hand motions to exaggerate the scene a little more. Erina who was looking through some papers, finally looked and smiled at you. "So at the end of the day, you ended up being a mediator?" She asks, handing you the paper that overlooked the Shokugeki details.

"Yup! Yup!" You say, looking over the details. "That's actually not a bad idea, you could mediate the Shokugeki itself." Erina says, placing a hand to her chin, and thinking about it. "Huh? What do you mean?" You ask, handing the paper back to her. And taking a seat on top of her desk.

"You're gonna be one of the judges for the Shokugeki, since one of our judges had gotten sick. Your taste buds are close to on par with mine, and you were the one who set the rules for this Shokugeki." She explains, writing down your name next to the judges. "What but wouldn't it be unfair, one of the chefs is my childhood friend? So what if i were to be biased." You ask, and Erina nods.

"Yes, I thought about that. But, first of all you wouldn't be biased, you would do what's right. And second of all, unfortunately you also have connections with Yukihira, so it wouldn't be completely biased." She says. as you skeptically think about it. What if you were to choose one of your friends and your other friend would get upset at you.

"I don't know about this, Erina. I feel like me being a judge would complicate things." You say, however Erina simply ruffles your hair. "If anything happens, grandfather and I will take care of it. Just taste the food, and pick the person you think is the best. I believe in you." She says, and offers you a smile. You return her smile, however you were still incredibly worried.


"What?! You're gonna be the Judge?" Nikumi asks, as you stretch your limbs on her bed. "Yeahhhhhh, I guess." You say, almost uninterested. You hug one of her chicken plushies. "Why do you seem so uninterested? Being a judge for a shokugeki is an incredible feat! Only some students get to do that!" She says, as you sigh and turn towards her.

"Well that's cause both the chefs participating are my dear friends. There's you, my childhood friend, and Yukirhiria, my first and only friend at Totsuki." You say, as she takes a seat beside you. "I don't think that Yukihira deserves to even know you!" She grumbles, missing the point but when she notices your sad mood, she sighs.

"Not saying, I'm going to lose, but.. if for some reason, in his dreams, that damned Yukihira does better than me, I won't get mad at you for picking his dish. You're a righteous and honest person and you wouldn't pick someone's dish for no reason." She says, combing her hands through your long hair. "After all, you always do the right thing."

"However, it's that stupid Yukihira you needa worry about! He's gonna be the one losing!" Nikumi says, clenching her fist with confidence. "You're right Iku. Listen, you got this! I believe in you! Good luck." You tell her, sitting up and placing your hands on her shoulder. "Yeah, i'm gonna beat that asshole!"


"Knock knock." You say, entering the polar star dormitory kitchen. Megumi, the pretty girl you had met the other day had let you into the dormitory and pointing to where Soma was. "Woah, Nakiri!" Soma brightens up after seeing you, he was sitting by the kitchen counter and writing up something. He had ingredients all over him.

"Wanna taste my progress so far?" He asks, about to get up. "Nope! I can't!" You say, making an X with your arms. He tilts his head, non verbally asking you why. "You can't be cheating already, Yukihira." You say, watching him get even more confused. "Asking a judge to taste your food before your match? That's definitely cheating." You say, as he finally catches on.

He softly laughs, before tapping the empty seat beside him. "I just stopped by to let you know I was asked to be the judge for your shokugeki." You tell him, making your way towards him. "So you better not get mad at me, if I don't pick you!" You say, pointing an a finger at accusingly. Soma laughs and ruffles your hair.

"Was the esteemed Nakiri worried I mighta gotten all petty over this?" He asks, putting away his papers. "Perhaps just a little." You say, making a weird face to hide your awkwardness.

"Nah, don't worry about it. If I lose, you gotta tell me everything I did wrong so I can do it better next time." He says, not panicking about the Shokugeki in the slightest. "You better not lose Yukihira, or else I might lose my partner in class." You say, as he laughs once more.

You rest your head on the counter of the kitchen. Soma rests his hand on your head, for a moment. "Don't worry, I'll win this. So you don't gotta cook alone in class."



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