Part 18

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KS goes behind them and hold HM hands near their car. SP sheepishly smiled at this and she takes the driver seat leaving them alone

KS: Why did you do that to him

HM: What

KS: I know you are the one who beaten him

HM: Yes I did

KS: Why did you do that

HM: "That's none of your business. Leave me" saying this she left with SP

SP was driving the car and HM was just look outside. SP initiated the conversation

SP: So

HM: What

SP: So your route is clear.

HM: What are you saying. For which my route is clear

SP naughtily smiled at her and said: You said KS has someone in her life. But she doesn't have anyone. So I said that your route is clear and you still have chance

HM: I don't think so.

SP: Dont say like that. I feel she likes you

HM: Yeah. But love is completely different from like. And also I don't think she likes me in other way

SP: But I think

HM: Leave that. I asked you to find the reason for her dismiss from her job

SP: I am working on that

HM: Hmm. Okay. What's today plan

SP: You have so much office work as you back off your investment from Singh company.

HM: Okay I will do

SP nodded and continued driving. After sometime she shouted

SP: "I cracked" she shouted while driving

HM: Shivani, Relax. You are driving

SP happily shouted again: Stupid. I cracked

HM angrily looked at her: What you cracked

SP: Karishma Haseena , Karishma Haseena , KAR ishma has EENA = Kareena

HM: Please stop the car in service road. SP stopped the car

HM: What happened to you. Why are you repeating our names

SP: You are seriously an stupid. Kareena is derived from your names

HM: Means

SP: KAR ishma + has EENA = KAREENA

HM: Hmm. So you cracked this one right.

SP: Yes. It seems correct only.

HM: I don't think so. It might be coincidence

SP: I wont agree with your thoughts. KS was single mother. Kareena is her daughter, she have her through surrogacy

HM: Shivani, You are getting into my nerves. I have so many works to do. Dont play with me

SP: Relax. When did KS opted for surrogacy according to RS

HM: After I left her

SP: Then its perfect. HM was glaring at her

HM: That's the limit for my patience

SP: Stupid wait. I am going to reveal the truth of your life. So KS opted surrogacy after you left her, she doesn't marry anyone and to her daughter she gave name KAREENA. Perfect

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