Chapter Eighteen

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Lance and Pidge were admiring the tech in the hidden base of Ulaz's, Keith was keeping an eye out for anything funny and making sure the curious ones were kept in sight.

Shiro was talking to Ulaz who typed away at his screen, he was a bit taller then Shiro which made Keith blink a few times. "This is so cool! Pidge we have got to make this!" Lance said with stars in his eyes and Pidge grinned, Shiro smiled and Keith snickered quietly to himself. Lance was adorable.

Ulaz would occasionally glance to Lance, the boy was timid and shy but was smart and kind not only that he was half Galra, there were many half-breeds in the universe but he hasn't seen very many in his time. He added that to his report before finishing and sending it "There. I have sent it to the others" Ulaz said "Sent it to who?" Keith asked on guard "The blade of Marmora" He replied, Lance and Pidge were talking repeatedly in excitement about the tech even Hunk was joining in adding to the excitement.

Shiro and Ulaz continued talking about things, Keith was continuing in keeping guard and the trio of children were thinking of many ideas on what they could do.

Lance smiled when he, Hunk and Pidge came up with an excellent idea on hiding in their uniforms (The paladins luckily had another blue paladin armor because Lance's first one was destroyed by his father and Blaytz like getting his destroyed in more ways then one so thank Alfor) with what they learned from the space pocket machine created by a guy named Slav (annoying little shit) and Ulaz expressed that not many want to be around Slav which made Lance worried a little bit but then again, he's never met the guy to know the actual reason as to why that is.

As they continued talking the base' alarm rang "What the heck!" Lance covered his ears again, what is it with loud alarms? His poor sensitive ears felt bursting with these alarms, "What is that?" Keith yelled over the alarm Ulaz looked at his screen "you were followed" He said "What? That's not possible" Shiro said "Whatever it is has locked onto our location" Ulaz stated "Everyone get back to the castle, we need Voltron" Allura called "on our way!" The paladins gathered in the green lion and flew back to the castle so that the others could get in their lions.

Blue and Red were next to eachother waiting.

"What could have possibly caused that alarm?" Lance wondered with his hand on his stomach, the heartbeat was calm so he didn't have to worry as much. He still had months to go until he could give birth he only hoped he would be able to meet the little one this time. "Uh, guys, what is that?" Hunk said as they looked to where the Robeast was at. "Ah, no! Not another one!" Pidge groaned "well that's just great" Lance muttered under his breath, "everyone stay still, we don't know for sure if this thing can see us" Shiro warned, the Robeast began to pull Zanthorium clusters into it's mouth and fired at where the base was hidden "It definitely knows we're here, let's go!" Keith pushed his controls forward as the others followed.

Ulaz sacrificed himself to save Voltron leaving Lance and Shiro silent. They trusted Ulaz and now his life was gone. He saved them.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter but I will say it's 500+ words!


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