2. Mcdonalds and Burger King.

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We both stepped off of the bus together.

"Guessing this is your stop as well?" The boy in the Vans asked me, "Unless your following me." I laughed at his response.

"Oh, I'm not a stalker. My house is down the street from here." I responded, giving him a little, playful shoulder shove.

The boy smiled, "Good. I would have locked you out anyways."

I hummed, "Aren't you lovely?"

"Thanks." He laughed. We walked in the same direction. "Can I have another word of wisdom, kind sir?" He asked looking up at me. I noticed he was much smaller than he appeared while sitting. Or, it could be my boots making me look much taller. Nope, definitely not the boots. He's just naturally a small person.

"Hm," I hummed. "I can't just think of one right in the moment, you have to do something to deserve it!" I frowned, unable to think of anything. "Such as you saying you were stupid on the bus."

"Fine." The boy in Vans spoke, "I want to know about the World. I don't understand it. I don't understand what I am doing here or why I am here."

I smirked at the boy's words thinking about how I should respond, "If you want to learn about the world, go out in it."

The boy frowned, taking a pause on the street. I stopped walking to glare at him. "What is that supposed to mean?" He grunted in my direction, sending an angry- yet confused glare. "Do you not see that I'm participating in the world?" He stomped on the ground like a child.

Great, I made the boy upset. That was the last thing I wanted. "No, I'm not saying that, it was a metaphor."

He huffed, giving a small, sad, smile, "Well it wasn't a good one."

"You asked for it, so I gave you it." I smiled at him, waving my hand and motioning for us to continue walking to our homes.

The walk stayed silent- it wasn't an 'out of things to talk about' silence, but a pleasant silence instead. I enjoy taking in nature and admiring the trees and all, but now the only nature I see is the blue eyed boy before me.

Until I realized how incredibly cheesy that sounded.

A grin spread across my face, which led to mentally face palming myself, which led to me having to stop walking and laugh to myself. The boy in the vans stopped as well, turning and checking on me. We stepped on the edge of the side walk, allowing other pedestrians to pass by us.

I brought my hand up to mouth, trying to defeat the giggles and laughter from forming. The boy placed a cautious hand on my shoulder, the area instantly heating up from the dreadful fall weather. My stomach smiled at the powerful heat of his hand on my coat covered shoulder.

"What's so funny?" He smiled, trying to hide his laughs as well. I actually find it strange when people laugh just because I'm laughing- it makes me think they are making fun of my laugh.

I chuckled, my laugh attack coming to an end. "There are several different people in the World."

We began to continue walking, "Yeah I saw this Instagram account where it said 'There are two types of people in this World' and it showed McDonalds or Burger King." He stopped for a minute, trying to process if his words were understandable- which they were, then he continued, "So, do you prefer Burger King or McDonald's?"


"That wasn't a choice. I asked if you like Burg-"

"I prefer Kale!" I huffed.

"No, sir, you have to pick one of the choices. One or the other."

"Well if I had to choose either Burger King or McDonald's, I would choose the 'or' in between." I grinned at the boy, seeing his upset face.

"Well, I prefer McDonald's."

We stopped for a minute, allowing a car to drive into a street. I was about to continue walking (Looking both ways of course) before I saw, once again, another car on its way. The boy in the vans- however- had a different story.

He didn't even hesitate when the car drove towards the street, instead he did a sashay-like motion behind the car. I gasped as the car honked at him, but he didn't even jump. But somehow- someway, he ended up on the opposite sidewalk with no damage made.

Instead of risking my life like he did, I waited until every car had passed before running across the street. The boy thankfully waited for me along the way.

"Did you even realize you almost killed yourself out there?" I scolded the blue eyed boy.

"Then they'd have to pay for killing me." He laughed, as if not even hurt by how his life was threatened by 2 angry car drivers.

As we continued our walk, he opened a door to someplace. I looked up and saw the most commonly known logo- McDonald's.

"Why are you going in there?" I frowned, knowing if I went inside too my kale diet would be completely over.

"I've got to eat something, don't I?" He grinned, waving for me to come in "Are you coming or not?"

I sighed, grabbing the door handle from his small hands and heading inside.

Boots And Vans // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now