✨GIRLS: Being Moms✨

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Note: this chapter is about the girlfriends. The boyfriends will be in the next.

How would the girls be like as moms?

What will they do? What will they be like?


-would be introducing alcohol to her children at a very young age

-she'd also teach them about cuss words


-would read too many parenting books

-she'd try to be strict, but fails miserably

-in the end, you'll have to be the one taking control of the children, as the kids will likely not take her seriously


-perfect mother material

-her warm personality allows the children to trust her

-she'd be well loved by the children, and by you as well


-she'd be carefree for the most part, but if there's alcohol, she'd get pissed

-would be a very carefree mom

-would let her kids go out to parties for unlimited time, as long as there's no alcohol, drugs or violence involved

-then she'd get worried


-(oh boy)

-it would be a struggle for dominance between you and her

-arguements would get physical

-the arguments would scare the children that they would need therapy


-kind of a worrisome parent

-wants to know where her children are at all times

-would get worried if her children didn't answer her calls or missed curfew


-she'd be very strict, especially if she has sons

-if she has daughters, she'd be more laid back but still on the tight end

-if she finds out her kids did drugs or alcohol, she'd be worse than Black Diablos


-would spoil the kids rotten

-sure, she's rich and has the money to send them to private schools

-but does that really mean your kids will turn out to be good

-not at all


-would be much like Rathian, but not as good

-sure she's a bubbly girl, but her kids would find it annoying

[DISCONTINUED] MonHun Monster Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenarios + HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now