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When I first heard rumors about a Malfoy's son being Lord Voldemort's heir, I was sure no one would believe such. After all, who would expect the greatest wizard of all time to have a son that cowardly? But when I heard that even the ministry suspected such, I took offense. I was a better child than some unknown Malfoy wasn't I?

I turned the corner, still deep in thought when I saw a boy sitting at the staircase, overhearing a conversation between Amos Diggory and the famous Harry Potter. His name is all you hear nowadays. You can't get a break, especially after he started claiming that his scar was hurting again. Well of course it's going to hurt. After all, the heir of Voldemort is standing in the same building as you. You should feel honored. 

"Hello," I said to the boy. He jumped in surprise as he turned to face me. That's when I realized that this was none other than Albus Severus Potter. "Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean to startle. I used to be a big stair-listener myself. Sitting there. Waiting for someone to say something the tiniest bit interesting." 

The boy ignored all of what I had just said and asked, "Who are you? Because this is sort of my house and..." 

Unlike my father, I have a heart and a soft spot for children. My guardian always told me that it was a weakness, but there was and still is nothing I can do about it. Of course, I was just engaging with this child because he could be of use to me, but also because he warmed my heart in a way. I could sense something different about this one. He had a famous father that was an "amazing" wizard, but he had no amazing talent. It was almost as if he was... unseen by him. Kind of like me. 

"I'm a thief, of course. I'm about to steal everything you own. Give me your gold, your wand, and your Chocolate Frogs!" I try to be serious but his expression is too cute. I smile and continue, "Either that or I'm Delphini Diggory." I slowly make my way down the stairs and stick out my hand. "Delphi. I look after him --- Amos --- well, I try. And you are?" Lying to a child again I see. A voice inside my head says. Is he even of worth? I silence the voice and listen as he introduces himself. 

"Albus." What a plain introduction. 

"Of course! Albus Potter! So Harry is your dad? That's a bit wow, isn't it?" I do my best to make him feel comfortable with me, making him feel good about himself and all. 

"Not really." Wow this kid really can't seem to speak in long sentences, can he? 

"Ah. Have I just put my foot in it? It's what they used to say about me at school. Delphini Diggory --- there isn't a hole she couldn't dig herself into."

"They do all sorts with my name too," he said quietly. Ah, the first sign. Maybe he is the one mentioned in the prophecy. 

"Delphi." Of course. Amos had to interfere at the most crucial moment. I'm about to leave when suddenly, I'm given a great idea. Children are easy enough to work with after all.

I smile at Albus and say quietly, "We don't choose who we're related to. Amos... isn't just my patient, he's my uncle, it's part of the reason why I took to the job at Upper Flagley. But that's made it difficult. It's tough to live with people stuck in the past, isn't it?" 

"Delphi!" Amos called again. 

"Upper Flagley?" Albus asks confused.

"St. Oswald's Home for Old Witches and Wizards. Come see us sometime. If you like." I had to throw in that last part to make it seem like he has choices. Maybe, if I make it seem like I'm playing this his way, I'll only have to use a few spells on him. 

"DELPHI!" I smile at Albus and head to the stairs. To make sure that he doesn't suspect anything, I trip on the way down. I quickly enter the room with Harry and Amos. I can still feel Albus watching. 

"Yes, Uncle?" I now realize that I am in the same room as Harry Potter, the man who killed my father. I could kill him now, but that wouldn't get me anywhere. Besides, I need Albus to kill him. I can't screw this up now. 

"Meet the once-great Harry Potter, now a stone-cold Ministry man. I will leave you in peace, sir. If peace is the right word for it. Delphi, my chair..." This man is seriously driving me crazy. And once-great? Yeah right, he never was and never will be great. He is nothing compared to my father. 

"Yes, Uncle." I slowly push Amos out of the room so that I can examine Harry. He looks rather sad, and I can feel Albus watching too. 

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