💦☁If you had a panic attack☁💦

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-He would be all over you. Cuddling you, kissing you, the works.

-He's not all there when it comes to dealing with panic attacks, but he hates to see you this frightened.

-Definitely very patient with you. He had to put up with his brothers and even Son Goku, so one person's panic attack is nothing all that daunting.

-His brothers may try to tease him about it afterwards, but he could care less as long as you're okay.

-But god forbid that they tease you about your panic attacks. Because if they do, or if anyone does, Bergamo will give them the Levi Ackerman Death Stare.

A/N: Here's how I see this situation playing out.

Bergamo had just gotten done with his reluctant training session with Goku. He Instant Transmissions over to your apartment, but when he opens the door, his heart sinks. You aren't there.

It was strange, you were always waiting for him on the couch. But when you weren't, this set of an alarm in his head. He started looking everywhere for you. Under the couches, in the washroom, everywhere he could look. But when he entered your bedroom, his ears perked up when he heard rattled breaths and what was unmistakably, crying. You were having a panic attack.

Bergamo: Hey doll? What's wrong?

No response. He reaches out to touch your cheek but you pull away from him out of fear.

Bergamo: You're havin' another panic attack, aren't ya?

He takes off his scarf and places it around your neck. The red cloth was nice and warm and it calmed you down. Not only it's warmth and texture, but it's scent, it smelled just like your big blue wolf. You look up and your vision begins to clear.

You: Bergamo?
Bergamo: Yup. You okay doll?

You nodded but he could tell something was still off.

Bergamo: Let's practice our breathing. Remember how? In for four seconds, hold for seven and out for eight.

You follow his instructions, and your heart begins to slow down. Throughout all this, he holds you close and presses your face into his neck fluff. The combination of his fluffy warm fur and the sound of his heartbeat helped you to steady your breathing and guide you back to reality.

Bergamo: You alright sweetheart?
You: Y-yeah... I think I'm okay...

He just held you close as he walked you over to the couch to sit down. This moment, was what most people would call a Dream Come True.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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