Ch 4 Tripping the Trap

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Namora and Okoye checked all the final touches and upgrades to their armor. Shuri has upgraded the midnight angel suit into a necklace much like that black panther suit. Even though Namora was nearly impossible to kill, Shuri made her a skin like vibranium body suit. It would keep Namora hydrated, even in high heat, and give her the same kinetic absorption the black panther suit had.

"This man we hunt? Is he any good?" Namora asked.

Okoye nodded. "When he wants to be. He tends to be clouded by his rage and it makes him sloppy. I am not sure what he is capable of now though. I can tell you this."

Namora stopped and looked at Okoye.

"He was never as good as us." Okoye joked.

Namora laughed, understanding Okoye's needs to lighten the mood. This was no longer a chance encounter and this was not just to talk. They were going for blood if possible.

Attuma walked in and nodded to Namora, his eyes never leaving Okoyes.

"Hear me In Eek'e'. Do not make me come in there." was the only warning he gave her. He gripped her softly by the neck, kissed and then turned, leaving the room.

"Wow, such a romantic general." Namora joked. Attuma just grunted as he turned down the hall and out of their sight.

"He is going to be the death of me." Okoye sighed. She could help the smile that pulled at the corner of her mouth.

Namora and Okoye walked to the airfield where ships waited for them. Okoye gave a nod to Namora who nodded back before running to the edge of the platform and jumping into the water.

"Are you sure about this?" T'Challa asked as he stepped besides Okoye.

"Yes my king. This must be done." she replied without hesitation. Her answer seemed to appease him as he stepped away and let her enter her ship.

Namora walked in not long after with a few supplies from Talocan in her hand and attached to her hip.

"Ready to go?" Okoye asked.

"Let's do this kiik" Namora replied confidently.

It took a few hours to reach the location. Okoye flew the ship with ease, teaching Namora how to operate it just in case.

Below them a large abandoned facility came into view. The systems picked up a full security system and guards posted all around the perimeter encasing the several buildings. As if expecting her a barrier parted, letting their ship enter and resealed behind them. Namora stored her goodies away and stood next to Okoye as the ship landed. The back door slid open and the women walked out as soldiers surrounded them. The ship closed as a soldier stepped forward.

"She must stay. You can come." he said.

"She comes with me or everyone here dies." Okoye replied, unwavering and staring him down.

The man put his hand to his ear and nodded. "Fine. Check them" he motioned to someone else.

The women were scanned, their weapons taken. They followed the leader into a building. The stone and concrete was withered away in many places. Some wear was so bad that the rebar was exposed. Machines, computers and servers were strewn about everywhere. People working on tech, weapons or training.

Namora looked around disgusted and gave Okoye a look. Okoye nodded and shrugged.

"This place is a shit hole," Namora said in Maya. Okoye giggled before making a face like something smelled.

"Quiet" the man yelled as he led them to massive double doors. They opened at their approach and there he was. W'Kabi sat in his chair, a smirk on his face as he looked at the map below him. He waved his hand and the holographic image of Wakanda disappeared. 

"Escoria (scum)" Namora spat. One of the men tried to stun her with a cattle prod but she dogged the tip, snatched it from him and spanked him on his ass. "The soldiers are like children." She scoffed in amusement before tossing the prod aside and putting her hands up.

W'Kabi raised his hand to stop the soldier from getting another ass beating. "Enough." He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I will admit I did not expect you to come but I would like to think that perhaps you've had a change of heart. Unfortunately your friend here tells me otherwise."

Okoye glared at him in offended confusion. "What on this green earth would make you think I would betray my kingdom, the throne?" She asked.

"You had no problem doing it when N'Jadaka became king. When he tried to get rid of Queen Ramonda and Shuri. When you let him burn the heart shaped herb!" W'Kabi shouted.

Okoye's body wanted to shake with rage. Instead she held her head high and bore into his soul with her gaze. "Unlike a petulant child throwing a tantrum, I learned from my mistakes. And it will NOT happen again." She retorted.

Namora looked at her own nails as if all of a sudden interested in her manicure.

W'kabi took a moment to recover. His jaw clenched and she saw the muscle tick in his cheek. "That makes two of us." He agreed before motioning to a side door with his hand. Some soldiers dragged in Klaue's abused body. He looked like he had been tortured. He was bleeding from multiple tiny wounds, all the large ones burnt closed or taped up.

"I did that which T'Challa could not do." W'kabi walked around the table he stood behind and pulled out a gun from his waist. 

Pop. Flash of light and Klaue was gone. 

The same men hauled away his now limp body with not a care in the world. 

Okoye was unbothered. He needed to die, that was the one thing they agreed on. "Congratulations. You have avenged our fallen. Would you like a cookie?" Did he honestly think that would impress her enough to betray her own? 

W'Kabi banged the desk next to him with his free hand. "You will NOT belittle me!" He yelled as he pointed the gun at Okoye. She simply raised a brow as Namora rolled her eyes. 

"Why do we toy with this child? Can we just get this over with?" She asked in her native tongue.

"We need to know what he knows. Who's paying for all this and supporting him." She whispered back.

W'kabi scoffed. "It seems you don't take me seriously." He said as he shot two rounds into Namora's stomach. She collapsed face forward as Okoye screamed. Men pulled Okoye away from Namora's body before she could try and check on her. Another set of soldiers dragged Namora's body away.

"Perfect. Now that we're alone. You and I have so much to discuss." W'Kabi said but it came off more as a threat. He dragged a chair from behind his desk to her. It made a terrible scratching sound on the worn concrete. He spun it around so the back was facing her and sat on it while the men made her kneel. "See. Not so hard eh? Your rightful place! Now. About this fish man you have tried to replace me with..."

A/N: yall finna be mad at me next a few chapters after that. I'm sorry. I love yall I really do...plz don't hate me ill fix it I swear 🥹

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