The forest of Death part 2

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Ame-Genin1: Look here guys, we just got lucky.

Ame-Genin2: Give us your scroll and you won't have to die.

They said with a smirk. The team consisted of 2 females and 1 male, one of the girls had a sword on her back while the other two are barehanded. I stood my ground and went into defensive position.

Y/N: No way in hell am I gonna do that. I'm not going down this early into the exam.

Ame-Genin1: Suit yourself then. Get him!
The Ame-Genin team advanced towards the lone Konoha-Genin, the two barehanded shinobi's flanked his left and right while the girl unsheathed her sword. Y/N jumped towards the boy to his left and dodged his punch, Y/N kicked the boy's knee and elbowed him on his temple sending him to the ground, Y/N felt the hairs on his nape stand, he quickly took out a kunai and blocked a downward slash from the girl and kicked her away as he jumped to a tree dodging a kick from the other girl.

Ame-Genin1: You're not half bad, but you're still outnumbered, sooner or later you'll get tired.

Y/N: .....

Y/N stood on guard eyeing his opponents, the only boy in their team staggered to his feet and looked at Y/N with sharp eyes, the boy rushed in anger at being knocked down quickly, he made handsigns.

Ame-Genin3: Wind style: Wind blade!

Y/N widened his eyes and quickly used an earth style jutsu.

Y/N: Earth style: Mud wall!

A wall of earth erupted from the ground blocking the wind blade causing a dust cloud. Y/N took advantage of this and made three shadow clones, he and a clone relocated unseen while the other clone stayed behind.

The clone then jumped out of the smoke cloud and advanced on the boy and delivered a elbow to his abdomen followed by an uppercut sending him up off the ground, he then grabbed both his legs and slammed the boy to the ground making him cough blood.

The boy quickly stood and kicked the clone dispersing it in a puff of smoke.

Y/N(clone): Earth style: headhunter jutsu!

The boy's body was dragged underground with only his head visible, Y/N was now seen jumping from a tall tree, chakra erupted from his right leg, while he was falling he kicked and a dragon made of chakra charged to the boy. Due to the power of the chakra dragon the ground exploded, after the explosion the boy could be seen knocked out looking half dead.

(Kick of the blue dragon lol)

The rest of the Ame-Genins were stunned, unable to react but quickly got their bearings and looked towards Y/N.

Ame-Genin1: You bastard! Get him!

The remaining Ame-Genins rushed Y/N attacking in unison, the barrages of attacks pushed Y/N back, he did his best to block and dodge the attacks, but some got through his defense.
Y/N kicked the sword out of the others hand and delivered a right hook on her face while he blocked the others punch with his knee and used the same leg to kick the girl towards her team mate.

Ame-Genin1: Arg.. you bastard.

Ame-Genin2: he..he's so strong.

Y/N: Give me your scrolls and I won't have to kill you.

The two looked at each other and the girl with the sword threw the scroll to him. He now had both heaven and earth scroll. He jumped from tree to tree looking for team 7, he ran into other teams and fought, he struggled slightly but came out the victor. After a few hours of searching he heard a rumbling and saw a giant snake go past in from of him.

Y/N: What the hell was that!? Was that a snake? Holy shit that was giant.

Y/N out of curiosity followed the snake and saw that it stopped, he saw Satsuki in front and a pale person on the snaked forehead. As he saw the front of the snake he saw that Naruko had stopped it from reaching Satsuki. The pale person took Naruko up with it's tongue and prepared to do something to her. Before the person could do anything else, Y/N had kicked the bastard on its head whole grabbing Naruko and sending the pale person crashing on a tree.

Y/N: Naruko, Satsuki are you two okay?

Pale bish: You brat, you'll pay for that.

Y/N: Sakura, Mito take care of Naruko and Satsuki.

With out another word Y/N took out a kunai and added wind chakra to it making a wind sword and charged towards the pale snake like lady. Y/N attacked with slashes and kicks but all were dodged, Y/N then kicked up his speed and activated his Dojutsu for a split second and changing it to a Sharingan, catching the snake lady off guard and landed a right round house kick to the side of her head sending her staggering back and she jumped back to gain distance.

Pale lady: You're not bad kid, not bad at all. And those eyes. Interesting.

Y/N threw shuriken and used shuriken shadow clone, the pale woman blocked and reflected the shuriken with a smile, Y/N smirked and pulled metal wired redirecting the shurikens trajectory and tying up the lady around a trunk of the tree.

Y/N: Katon: Karyuu Endan/ Fire style: Dragon flame missile

The fire crawled through the wires in highspeed and erupted the lady up in flames, she shrieked in pain as her skin burned, or so he thought

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The fire crawled through the wires in highspeed and erupted the lady up in flames, she shrieked in pain as her skin burned, or so he thought.

After the fire cooled down the lady now showed with skin charred, however the lady laughed maniacally as she peeled her skin off revealing Orochimaru.
Fem Orochimaru or Just Orochimaru?



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To be continued.

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