The Dress

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        Slowly I crawled out of my soft warm bed. It was raining outside. Then again, it was always raining. Putting on my red raincoat, I shuffled down the stairs to the kitchen.
     "Hey, mom." I sighed.
     "¿Por qué no llevas tu ropa de festival?" My mom replied.
     "I didn't want to waste time putting them on. I.. I don't really feel like going to the festival."
     "¿Qué…?" I gulped. This was my mom's way of giving me an out.
     "I'll um…" I took a breath, "I'm not.. going to the festival." My mom stopped kneading her dough, her hands shifted to her hips. Shit. Her eyes pierced deep into my soul. Yet, I stood my ground. "I'm not going." Shit why did I say that? Suddenly her stare flashed with fury.
     "¡Volverás a subir la mierda por esas escaleras y te pondrás esa ropa o ayúdame Dios!"
     "¡Sí, sí! Yo lo haré." I bolted up the stairs slamming my door shut behind me. Phew. My eyes hovered over my closet and slowly I walked over to it, I could swear its tall floral doors almost mocked me. Taking a deep breath I opened it and pulled out a busted up box marked The Day of the Rainy Blossoms. This had to be my least favorite festival. What sane person would dedicate an entire day to rain?
     "Ugh.. " I groaned as I opened the box, "it's just like I left it…" The red and orange dress I had unfolded was far too big for me. When I put it on, the sleeves would touch my elbows and the skirt would drag across the wooden floors. It was hideous. Somehow my mom found a certain charm in its brightly colored carnations and various leafy patterns. She had gotten it for me when I was ten. Ten. It barely fits me now! Could you imagine what it looked like on a ten-year-old? Needless to say I was not too comfortable when I put it on.
     I started for my door but to my horror I caught a glance of myself in my floor length mirror. I looked like a wilted flower. But in a way my mom looked like one too so I guess it makes sense. After a couple minutes, I went downstairs to show my mom her absolutely stunning daughter wearing her beautiful and simply elegant dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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