I missed you.

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Right after you brought her out to your car you two sat in silence the whole way there, neither of you really knowing what to say to one another

Especially Vada considering what she was doing not even 10 minutes ago...god she feels so guilty about that...

But what can she do about it. You can't change the past.

Finally Vada decided to speak up.

"So...how have you been? Since you got out of the hospital I mean" Vada asked even if she already knew the answer. You were devastated about your sisters death.

  It had taken you a long time before you could move on but you eventually found yourself able to live with your loss. And when you did, life felt different somehow. More alive. More like you deserved to be alive. Like you've made some sort of peace with death.  You nodded "I've been alright."

Vada  sighed and looked down at her hands "I'm sorry..."  She said sounding very much like she meant what she said.

You shook your head "Don't apologize..." You paused for a second before continuing "it wasn't your fault. None of this is. This happened because of that school shooter. That's all there is to it." You paused again before looking over at Vada. "We'll get through this together ok?" You said with a warm smile. Even though you couldn't see it, Vada smiled. The two of you were definitely going to get through this together. You both needed each other more than ever right now. 

After a moment you two arrived at the cafe  and went inside. It was a small place, cozy. Just enough tables and chairs to sit comfortably without being crowded. They also had the best pastries and coffees. The place never failed to bring Vada happiness no matter how bad things got.

Even with everything happening lately, Vada could still find comfort in this little shop.
As soon as you entered the door an older man greeted you from behind the front counter  "Welcome to Cafe de Paris! How can I help you today?" He smiled widely and seemed friendly. He probably saw a lot of customers every day.
"Ahh yes! My friend here, Vada will take a hot chocolate please." You answered as Vada nodded "And I would like a medium mocha please." You continued and have the man the name for the order. 

You grabbed Vada's hand to lead her to the booth you want to sit at but you immediately pulled away

You grabbed Vada's hand to lead her to the booth you want to sit at but you immediately pulled away

"Ew why is your hand sticky?"

Sorry this was such a short chapter I just wanted to get something out lmao

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