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Look as per my word I'm updating the next chapter so soon ( yes, you can praise me 😙)


'Look who's here.' pointed jaddu as Virat joined them for breakfast the next morning.

'He doesn't miss her at all you know, he has moved on.' yuzi said.

'Jiya jiya re jiya re jiya jiya re jiya re jiya o oo ooo' Harry imitated anushka's dance steps as he sang her song. 

'Ypu guys are crossing the line now.' Vi stated, trying to not lose his cool.

'I seriously don't understand your problem Vi. You miss her and it's quite evident that she reciprocates the feeling.' Ro said.

'I don't want to talk about her. Can I have my breakfast please. I have to go practice for the match.'

'Cheeku, I don't want to step into your relation but I don't think you guys are doing the right thing.' Mahi Bhai spoke.

'Bhai you don't know what happened.' Vi said.

'Ofcourse we don't know because you hid it from us.' Rahul stated.

'I really don't care about anything now, you are spilling the truth and that's it.' Ro declared firmly.

'Yes cheeku, you have to let your guards down. What has happened between you two?' Mahi Bhai asked.

Vi contemplated whether to let it out or not but looking at the way all their gazes were fixed to him, demanding answers, he realised that he had no other option than to tell them the truth.

'One week ago, she came to visit me in Delhi....' Vi began narrating the incident.


'I missed you so much bubs.' Nush hugged him as soon as he opened the door.

'Mom is watching us.' he said as she kissed him and she immediately pulled away and looked around in embarrassment only to find him laughing.

'I was joking. There's no one in the house.' he said.


'So how long will you be staying?'

'I don't know Vi, maybe 2-3 days. We'll be heading to Paris for shooting in fifteen days. But before that there's some work left in mumbai.' she stated.

'I miss you so much. It's been 67 days since we've gone on a vacation. I thought you'd stay now atleast for a week. I had so many things planned for us.' disappointment was quite evident in his tone.

'But I already told you that I'll be staying just for 2-3 days right.'

'Yeah but I thought you'd reconsider your decision seeing me. I thought you'd miss me like I do.'

'What do you mean by that? Ofcourse I miss you.' she stated.

'Then please postpone your works and stay with me for a few days.' he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and asked.

'Why am I having to repeat myself Vi? It makes me feel bad to reject your requests like this but there's nothing I can do about it.' she stated, feeling tad bit guilty.

'Everyone's wives and girlfriends spend so much time with them and it hurts me so much to not have you by my side.' he stated.

'That feeling is mutual Vi. I know long distance is hard but we are giving it all we can. Even now, I directly came to meet you instead of my parents as soon as l landed in India.' she said, confused about what he's trying to imply.

'I know but maybe this isn't enough, I feel.' he muttered.

'Vi, I can sense that something is wrong with you and please don't beat around the bushes. Just let it out.'

'Why can't you quit acting and travel with me?' he asked nervously.

'Vi, can you hear yourself? How can I ever stop acting. Are you fooling around again?' she asked him, not being able to process his statement.

'No nush, I'm very serious. I miss you so much and I feel like it's affecting my game. If you miss me too, why can't you stop acting for our sake?'

Seeing his expression, she realised that he really meant what he was saying and couldn't understand how to reply to that.

'Where are you lost?' he snapped his fingers, bringing her back.

'That's too much price to pay Vi. I miss you and love you as much as you do but asking me to quit acting is unacceptable.' she shook her head while trying to keep her tears at bay.

'I don't see a reason why? If I were some guy working in any regular office, I would have done the same.' he said. 

'Will you do it now? Will you be able to stop playing cricket and accompany me where ever my work takes me?' she asked him.

'I'm a national cricketer Nush, I play for our country. How can I stop representing my country?' he asked.

'Exactly! When you can't stop playing cricket don't you think it's unfair to ask me to quit acting?' she tried putting some sense in her usually sensible boyfriend.

'How can you compare cricket with acting? We play for our country. Look I don't want to look down at films just because my profession is superior to it. But I'm sure even you know that my career is more important that yours. And for us to be together someone has to sacrifice their career which unfortunately is yours. If you were a doctor or something maybe we should have had to think about it. But isn't it clear now?' he asked.

'I don't care about superiority and all. Acting is my life and I won't be able to quit it as long my body supports me both physically and mentally. It gave me so much. Love, money, fame and even you. If I weren't an actor we would have not even met each other.' she retorted.

'Destiny always has it's plans. If we are destined for each other, you not being an actor would change our fate.

I didn't realise that you love acting more than me and now I honestly don't know what to say.'

'When did I say that? All I mean is, I love you more than anyone and anything on this planet but just to be with you, I won't give up acting. We can continue with long distance .' she said.

'No, missing you is a distraction for me. And just like you, I can't let you effect my game.' he stated.

'So what do you suggest? Wait, I think the right thing for us is to break up.' she said, hoping that saying that would make him take his words back.

'If that's what you say. That's the best for us. We are two individuals who are more committed to our careers so we aren't made for each other. So yeah, let's break up.' he said, hoping that if he says that in a serious tone, she'll reconsider.

'Well, good luck with your career Mr. Virat Kohli. Good bye.' she grabbed her bag from the chair and left the house without looking back.

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