Chapter 7: To Save Them

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(I am relieved that Dottre is mostly an evil prick still. I was worried he wasn't anymore. I'll never forgive him for what he did to Collei. Also, he's just creepy, but I feel like we haven't had a creepy doctor villain in a while, so that's fine! Enjoy!)

             Amber and Lisa were running as fast as they can to the outskirts. Amber looked up to see the ice dome over them. She shivered and hoped they could break this before anything else happens.

"There!" Lisa shouted as she looked forward to see the Traveler, Paimon, and Sucrose there with an unconscious Albedo and tired Klee.

"Traveler please explain to me the situation with the Spark Knight" Venti asked seriously as he noticed she was shivering.

The Traveler explained everything that had happened to them on Dragonspire. Venti listened intently and glanced at between the siblings. The Traveler was concerned while Venti held a serious expression.

"I believe she's under the effects of the cryo's vision at her heart" Venti concluded as Lisa glanced to him curiously, "The cryo vision is flowing through her body and freezing her solid slowly"

The Traveler, Paimon, and Sucrose were horrified to hear this as Amber asked in a panic, "Is there anything we can do to save her?"

"I believe so, but first, we need to get rid of this barrier before it does any more harm" Venti answered as his eyes fell on the alchemist, "Perhaps it is time he woke up"

The Traveler nodded his head as he simply dropped Albedo on the ground! Albedo groaned in pain as he rubbed the back of his head. He blinked a couple of times and looked to see the Traveler and Sucrose standing before him.

"Where am I?" he asked as he concluded that Sucrose's potion was the reason he was unconscious.

"We brought you back to Monstadt" Aether answered as he helped Albedo stand up, "We need your help to break this barrier"

Albedo turned around to gasp in utter disbelief at the site of the icy dome.

"What happened?" he asked in a puzzled manner.

"What do you mean?" Paimon asked with concern, "Can't you do anything about this? Your cryo vision is the reason this happened! Can't you do something?!"

Albedo could feel himself shaking and his thoughts were running wild. He knew having two visions were made someone powerful, but he couldn't believe it could do something like this.

"I don't know..." Albedo confessed, "I have never seen anything like this. I know of no way to solve this predicament before us"

Everyone was worried except for Venti. He remained calm and got an idea, but it would be kind of a risk.

"Place your hands on the barrier, Albedo" Venti ordered him as he placed his hands on it, "We are going to work together and break through the barrier"

Everyone was surprised as Lisa pointed out, "But that can't be done. You would need a tremendous amount of energy to break through this. Do you have that power?"

"Yes, but it will take all of us. Traveler, Outrider, please lend us your strength as well. As the barrier begins to crack, use your powers to clash against it" Venti ordered.

"Got it" Amber said determinedly as she drew her bow while the Traveler held his sword.

Lisa, Sucrose, and Paimon stood away from them as Venti and Albedo placed their hands on the barrier as they slowly used their visions slowly break through it. With anemo and cryo to try and break through the barrier as their friends were watching and preparing to break it.

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