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Everyone is home now except hobi... Suga's checking kook...

Suga : did he over eat fast food...
Mom : a little bit extra...
Suga : eomma I told you how much he can eat...
Mom : he ate a little bit extra.. I didn't knew he'll be sick..
Suga : *sigh* you guys can go rest.. it's nothing serious... I'm giving him some medicine.. he'll be fine...
Jin : are you sure ???
Suga : yeah ..
Jin : you guys can go ... Eomma you should go too... Take some rest... I'll be here....
Mom : no.. I'll be he-
Jin : eomma please... You need rest..
Jk : no momma ... Stay here please... Rest beside me ... Come .. lay here *moving left side too make place for him momma*
Mom : *chucked* ok baby.... Let's cuddle and get some rest... *Lay down*
Jk : *hugging his mom* suga hyungie...
Suga : yeah ??
Jk : please don't tell hobi hyung about this...
Suga : why?? He need to know ....
Jk : plz hyungie... Hobi hyung will be mad...
Suga : don't you remember last time how much he got mad for not telling him...
Jk : please hyungie.. last time... *Pleasing eyes*
Suga : *sigh* sleep baby *left room*

After hobi came home suga told him him about kook... He was angry as well as worried...

Hobi : this boy... He never listens right??
Suga : don't scold him hobi ..
Hobi : let's go first ..I also need to meet eomma .. I haven't meet yet ..
Suga : yeah come on... She's in kook's room ..

In kook's room

Hobi and suga came in and saw their mom is using phn still hugging kook ...

Hobi : eomma ...
Mom : *looked at him* my baby... *Slowly parted from kook and stood up*
Hobi : *hugging her* how are you eomma???
Mom : I'm fine... How are you my boy? Having any trouble??
Hobi : no eomma .. I'm fine ...

Kook woke up hearing sound.. he opened his eyes and saw hobi . He immediately closed his eyes pretending to be asleep... But hobi noticed him ...

Hobi : stop your act kook... I know you're awake *Stern*
Jk : *opened eyes while pouting*
Hobi : don't you know these foods are bad for your health.. how many times do I have to remind you?? *Scolding*
Jk : *mumble* sorry hyung *looking down*
Hobi : everytime you're sorry then again do the same thing... Does it make any sense??
Jk : *pout* I won't do it again ...
Hobi : keep that in your head... Next time I won't be lenient... I'll use switch ... Don't take health so lightly...
Jk : I won't... *Pout*
Hobi : that's what you sa-
Mom : hobi stop... You scolded him enough... Now go freshen up...
Hobi : eomma you're spoiling him ..
Mom : so what ?? I'll spoil my baby... Go and take shower.. you're stinking...
Hobi : *sigh* going... *Left*
Suga : *to jk* baby .. are you hungry?? Wanna eat somethi-*cut off*
Jk : *looked away* don't talk to me.. *angry*
Suga :*shocked* why??
Jk : I requested you not to tell hobi hyung... You still did .. now happy that he scolded me??
Suga : bun he would've know anyway.. what's the point of hiding??
Jk : yeah... But he scolded me even now.... Didn't you hear he said he'll use switch ???
Suga : he said next time... He's not switching you now...
Jk : don't make excuses... You didn't keep my request... Go away *angry glare* go to your room ... Or anyone's room... But not in my room...
Suga : you're a betrayer... You always stick to me .. now you got eomma ... And telling me to go out...
Jk : you're the one who's betrayer... And I'm telling you to get out cuz I'm mad at you .. not bcz momma's here..
Suga : I'm sorry bunny but I had to tell hobi ... Sorry... Forgive hyungie pleaasseeee...
Jk : no go away...

Suga looked at their mom... She mouthed him "you go .. he'll calm down" and then suga went out....

Th@T'$ ¡T f0® T0d@¥ ... please like and comment if you like 🤍🤍🤍🤍

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