Chapter 10

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It had been over two weeks since his night out with Katsuki and his friends. Izuku felt closer to the blond after that, it had been a big step for them that he had introduced him to his friends. That knowledge made the green haired man feel warm inside his chest. Katsuki had been texting him almost every day now. It was getting more serious between them and Izuku was slowly starting to accept that the blonde honestly liked him for him. It was a good feeling to be liked and to feel like someone has your back. But he knew no matter how happy he was, something bad would come around to spoil it for him.

He was busy cleaning his flat, because he was supposed to see his favorite blonde on their shared day off tonight, when his phone rang.

It was Sato. He had stayed in contact with Izuku after that time he had shown him around a few weeks ago. He had him do some minor jobs and he had also shown him around their drug lab and the warehouse where their weapons were stored since. That had been another experience all together. More stuff on the list of things the green haired never wanted to think about again. But Sato had mostly texted Izuku, so for him to call now seemed off, which made anxiety pool in Izuku's stomach.

"'Boss wants to see you." Sato cut right to chase.

"Today?" asked Izuku in a neutral voice.

He knew he had to do what they told him no matter what, it was a wonder that they left him alone when he had to work, at least for the most part.

"Come to the warehouse I showed you last week. Be there at 9 sharp. He doesn't appreciate it if he is left waiting and I don't feel like losing my neck over you."

And the line was cut again. Not only did that sound way too ominous and like another night full of things he wished he'd never seen, but he had to ask Katsuki for a rain check. Wonderful.
The vigilante had been working tirelessly towards his goal to meet the head of the organization and to eradicate the gang altogether, but now that it seemed close he was absolutely terrified.

Izuku rubbed his hands over his face in exhaustion before calling the blonde. It was almost five in the afternoon and they had planned to meet at Izuku's at six, so he needed to call instead of shooting him a message. He couldn't risk Katsuki not noticing the message.

"What?", asked the deep voice of the blonde after his phone had rang for a few seconds. He sounded annoyed, not that that was new, but he had never answered his phone like that when Izuku called.

"Hey... It's me, Izuku. " answered the green haired man out of habit and because he was just not in the right mind. He needed to calm down and get his shit together before tonight.

"Izuku, I know it's you. ", said the blonde, sounding confused.

"Is everything alright?"

Usually the vigilante would have teased Katsuki for answering his phone like that, but today wasn't a day he felt like teasing the blonde. He was barely holding on to his nerves as it was right now.

"No. I mean yes. Kinda? " blabbered Izuku and bit back a curse at his very obvious absent-mindedness. He was messing this up already. He didn't want the blonde to suspect anything. Katsuki was the kind of guy who acted all tough but would always run the extra mile for his friends. If he really thought that something was wrong with Izuku, he would come right over.

"Freckles. What happened?" Katsuki sounded worried now.

"My boss called, I have to work tonight. My coworker got sick and there's no one else to cover the shift. Can I please rain check our date?" He really hated that he had to do this, he wanted to see the blonde today, desperately. And he also hated lying to him.
It was a weak excuse too and if the blonde decided to check on him on his night shift the lie would be busted. But Izuku hadn't been able to think of anything better. His head was already at the warehouse.

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