Domain .

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It is raining tonight and Xiao is on his regular patrol around the Wangshu inn for any monster that is lurking around.

There are no signs of hilichurs or any abyss mage around the area. Xiao then continues his patrol around until he spotted a familiar pink haired girl.

She was walking around in the rain and seemed to be looking for something.

" Isn't that the lawyer from before. What is she doing wandering around alone. Doesn't she know it is dangerous around here ? " thought Xiao.

He decided to ask what she is doing around this place. He quietly teleported behind her. She seems to be unaware that he is standing behind her and decide to tap her shoulder.

" WAHHH, What , who, " Yanfei startled and was about to throw a fireball towards Xiao but stopped when she recognized the face. " O-oh its you . you scared me there . What are you doing around here , Conqueror of Demons ?

" I'm the one who supposed to ask you that question . It's dangerous out here . Not to mention the weather are not ideal for you to take a walk around either. " said Xiao. "You better leave . this place are not safe for travelling alone. "

" I -I can't do that . " replied Yanfei.

"Why cant you ? " ask Xiao.

"I have a client requested me to check an abandoned domain around this area . " said Yanfei

*A domain ? there is no domain around here as far as I remember, or have I missed it ? * thought xiao.

"Wait is this what a lawyer should be doing ? I thought they only solve problems about law." said Xiao.

"We do solve problem about laws but, I'm just sometimes like to do odd request like this once in a while. You know to relieve some stress I'm getting lately. " said Yanfei.

Xiao raised an eyebrow at the last statement. Yanfei seeing Xiao expression realized that she has been rambling about her personal problem with the Conqueror of Demons. Her face turn red from the embarrassment and she quickly cover her face. She then cleared her throat and start to talk again.

"For- forget what I was saying. Anyway as I was saying, I cannot leave until I found this domain and bring back some evidence of this domain existing . Also I need to- a...a......achooo, " Yanfei let a small sneeze and trembling a little from the cold." A- anyway I need to go now before the rain get heavier.

*Ah, I just realized we were talking in a middle of rain, and based on her reaction right now she probably bad with cold place.*

" Give me your hand , " said Xiao.

" Huh ? Okay . " replied Yanfei. She shows her hand to Xiao, Xiao suddenly hold her hand .

" Con - conqueror of Demons..... Why are yo........, " before Yanfei could finish her question, a green aura surround them. The next thing Yanfei knew she felt a bit dizzy and the surrounding has changed.

Xiao has teleported both of them under a group of big trees to take cover from the rain.

" We'll wait here until the rain stop. Then we continue walking to the domain you talking about" said Xiao.

"We ?" ask Yanfei tilting her head. " What do you mean ? "

" I have decide. I will help you find this domain you are talking about." said Xiao. " I can help protect you from any danger. '

" You don't have to do that. I'll be fine going by myself. " said Yanfei. " Beside I don't want to be a burden to you Conqueror of Demons."

" Xiao." said xiao

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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